801-810 of 830 results

Default superannuation under the microscope
Insight 07 Oct 2016

You may be forgiven for thinking the Productivity Commission is fixated on superannuation at the moment Its latest review centres on developing alternate models of allocating default members to products ...

The Life Insurance Code of Practice - just a code, or something more?
Insight 07 Oct 2016

The new Life Insurance Code of Practice has much to recommend it The paragraphs concerning policy design are a case in point But is the Code indeed just a code or does it purport to go further ...

Improving the role of the Appointed Actuary
Insight 06 Sep 2016

APRA is seeking to improve the role of the Appointed Actuary in general and life insurance companies and has proposed some reforms in a discussion paper released earlier this year ...

Not better late - the Prime Trust appeal judgment
Insight 06 Sep 2016

The main Prime Trust appeal judgement is relatively well known but a trusts responsible entities and their officers should look at what the appeal court had to say on other related matters ...

Financial Services Class Actions
Insight 06 Sep 2016

Our class actions team recently published our Class Action Risk 2016 report The objective of the report is to look behind the headlines and hype that often surrounds class actions to provide a more holistic and objective assessment of class action risk for our clients This is particularly important ...

Conflicts of interest and the duty to manage them
Insight 09 Aug 2016

The Corporations Act 2001 Cth was amended in 2004 to include an additional obligation for Australian financial services licensees to have in place adequate arrangements for the management of conflicts of interest that may arise in relation to the activities undertaken by the licensees in the ...

Blockchain and why smart contracts still need smart lawyers
Insight 06 Jul 2016

There has been so much talk about blockchain and distributed ledger technology recently especially in financial services that you might be forgiven for thinking it might be more hype than substance But we think it could be very important technology ...

Welcome changes to the derivative charging rules for superannuation trustees
Insight 06 Jul 2016

The Government has recently made changes to superannuation law that helps clear the way for trustees of regulated superannuation funds to charge fund assets in order to enter into a broad range of exchange-traded and Over-The-Counter derivative transactions The changes are intended to make it easier ...

Brexit and financial services regulation
Insight 06 Jul 2016

The idea that the UK could on leaving the EU simply walk away from a significant amount of EU financial services regulation seems fantastical It is likely that the UK will instead have to adopt on exit vast amounts of EU financial services regulation However the UK will have no say on the future ...

ASIC releases consultation paper on regulatory sandbox exemption for startups
Insight 09 Jun 2016

ASIC has released a consultation paper on proposals to facilitate innovation in the financial services sector The proposals include details of the long-awaited regulatory sandbox It will be of interest to both emerging companies who may rely on the relief as well as investors in this space Senior ...
