841-850 of 932 results

Increasing ASIC's enforcement powers
Insight 08 Jul 2014

In its submission to the Financial System Inquiry the Australian Securities and Investment Commission has again raised the issue of the penalties that are available to it to punish and deter corporate wrongdoing ASICs submission recommends that a holistic review be conducted into the availability ...

Senate report card on ASIC
Insight 30 Jun 2014

While the media has focused on the more sensational recommendations of last weeks Senate report on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission there are a number of other interesting comments and themes that provide some clues about future regulation by the Federal Government surveillance ...

Superannuation retirement phase - lessons from recent UK annuity changes
Insight 04 Jun 2014

A key risk faced by self-funded retirees is the possibility that their superannuation savings will not last as long as they will While lifetime pensions and annuities issued by life companies can assist in addressing this risk there has traditionally been a relatively low uptake of these products by ...

Will ASIC shift its regulatory focus from disclosure to suitability?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Financial System Inquiry inevitably the Murray Inquiry is the successor of the Campbell Inquiry 1979-1981 and the Wallis Inquiry 1996-1997 Both the Campbell and Wallis reports considered that investors were best protected through disclosure and market integrity rules Both reports assumed that ...

PPSA amendments for 'serial numbered goods'
Insight 24 Mar 2014

New legislation will amend the Personal Property Securities Act to remove the provision that deems leases of serial-numbered goods of more than 90 days to be a PPS lease These amendments will primarily benefit businesses in the leasing industry and will have a minimal but positive effect on ...

FoFA Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament
Insight 19 Mar 2014

The Federal Government today introduced a Bill into Parliament to implement its proposed amendments to the Future of Financial Advice legislation There are some significant differences between the Bill as introduced and the earlier exposure draft version released in January The proposed reforms are ...

Innovative Superannuation Income Streams - at last
Insight 21 Mar 2017

Earlier today Treasury released exposure draft regulations for Innovative Superannuation Income Streams They set out income stream standards that will be relevant for products such as deferred annuities and group self-annuitised products The Allens Superannuation team reports ...

Sanctions: The 5 questions your board and executives should be asking in 2017
Insight 16 Mar 2017

Australian boards and senior executives are expected to maintain oversight of risk and compliance issues including bribery, sanctions, human rights and anti-money laundering. ...

Implications of the Critical Infrastructure Centre for foreign investment in Australia
Insight 24 Feb 2017

The Australian Governments Critical Infrastructure Centre launched earlier this year is part of the governments plans to manage national security concerns arising from foreign investment in Australian critical infrastructure The Centre has released a discussion paper calling for input into how it ...

Australia - Fund Finance 2017, 1st Edition
Insight 24 Feb 2017

Fund financing facilities have continued to flourish in Australia providing sponsors general partners and trustees with additional funding flexibility and liquidity Allens Partner Tom Highnam Managing Associate Rita Pang and Associate Victoria Johns provide an overview of the funds sector current ...
