81-90 of 629 results

The resurrection of rise and fall mechanisms in infrastructure contracts
Insight 06 Oct 2022

Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, ongoing supply chain challenges associated with COVID-19 and a red-hot infrastructure market, 2022 was the year that Australian contractors firmly rejected the traditional approach to input cost risk allocation. ...

Third layer of greenhouse gas emissions regulation to apply to some NSW operations
Insight 29 Sep 2022

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) recently released a draft Climate Change Policy (the policy) and Action Plan 2022–25 (the plan) for public consultation. In this Insight, we look at three key measures proposed in the plan that could have a significant impact on industry. ...

Australian Infrastructure Investment report 2022
Insight 28 Sep 2022

Australia’s mature and stable market has maintained investor confidence and continues to be a leading destination for investment. However, investors face a range of challenges, particularly supply chain constraints and economic instability, due to rising inflation and higher costs of borrowing. ...

Western Australia to forge its own oil and gas decommissioning path
Insight 27 Sep 2022

In news that will be of particular interest to petroleum titleholders and prospective titleholders in Western Australia, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has released a draft discussion paper outlining expectations for the decommissioning of onshore and state waters petroleum assets. Submissions on the Draft Discussion Paper close on 18 November 2022. ...

Queensland releases a draft of its 30-year vision
Insight 20 Jan 2014

The Queensland Government has released a working draft of its 30-year vision for the state Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling looks at those aspects of the plan that are relevant to development ...

Lessons from Daewoo v INPEX: calls on bank guarantees
Insight 08 Sep 2022

Last week the NSW Supreme Court published an important decision concerning a principal's ability to call on a bank guarantee in circumstances where a contractor is facing financial troubles and/or potential insolvency in Daewoo v INPEX [2022] NSWSC 1125. ...

Environment Protection Act fires the starting pistol for private actions
Insight 27 Jun 2022

The new Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) (the EP Act) brings a raft of changes, including introducing direct third-party enforcement rights. Eligible people will be able to bring actions against individuals and businesses they claim are in breach of the new Act from 1 July 2022. This Insight outlines the key things companies should know about the third-party enforcement rights regime. ...
