81-90 of 449 results

Allens advises on Australia's largest onshore wind farm
News 28 Feb 2023

Financed via a certified green loan from a group of international lenders and supported by coverage from Compania Espanola de Seguros de Credito a la Exportacion (the Spanish Export Credit Agency, ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: December and January 2023
Insight 22 Feb 2023

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of November, as well as take a closer look at the AEMC's draft report on reforms to the metering services regulatory framework. ...

Government intervention in the domestic gas market—2023 Draft ADGSM Guidelines
Insight 17 Feb 2023

As part of its proposed package of reforms to respond to increased gas prices and a forecast shortfall of gas supply on the east coast of Australia, the Australian Government has fast-tracked amendments to the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM). ...

Future Directions: the ESB's vision for Transmission Access Reform
Insight 16 Feb 2023

We provide a snapshot of the 'hybrid model' and explore how the ESB will work with Energy Ministers and stakeholders to finally agree upon, and implement, the reforms needed for this complex and critical piece of the energy transition puzzle. ...

Allens advises financiers on Australia's largest renewable portfolio financing to date
News 13 Feb 2023

The firm advised the syndicate on an innovative portfolio debt financing package that will see Squadron Energy become Australia’s largest renewable energy investor, operator and developer, with an ...

Government intervention in the domestic gas market – gas price cap and mandatory code of conduct
Insight 06 Feb 2023

All participants in the gas industry, particularly gas producers and gas consumers, should take note of the Federal Government's latest measures to ensure adequate domestic supply of gas at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms. ...

Resource and industrial businesses face 4.9% annual emissions reductions
Insight 25 Jan 2023

The Australian Government has provided further clarity on its proposed reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism, imposing declining emissions caps on Australia's largest greenhouse gas emitters from 1 Ju ...

Allens advises Goldwind on Moorabool Wind Farm sale
News 23 Dec 2022

Located in Victoria, the Moorabool Wind Farm will comprise up to 104 wind turbines which can produce up to 312MW - enough to power the equivalent of 228,000 average Victorian homes each year. 'We a ...

Development of Australia's new Critical Minerals Strategy
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The Australian Government has committed to developing a new Critical Minerals Strategy with a view to cementing Australia's position as a global supplier of choice for processed critical minerals, and to unlock its potential as a clean energy superpower. ...

Allens advises Equinor on collaboration for Bass Offshore Wind Energy Project
News 15 Dec 2022

The Bass Offshore Wind Energy Project, situated in the North-East of Tasmania, will be powered by Tasmania's world-class offshore wind resources. The transaction represents Equinor's second ...
