81-90 of 343 results

Allens' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry
Insight 19 Jun 2020

Allens has advocated for reform to the class action regime for many years, including by way of submissions to inquiries conducted by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Victorian Law Reform Commission. We have made a detailed submission to the current inquiry in which we outline our concerns regarding the increasingly entrepreneurial direction of Australia's class action landscape and advocate for (and against) various reforms. ...

ACCC loses 'flushable wipes' appeal due to pleading and evidentiary issues
Insight 16 Jun 2020

The decision in ACCC v Kimberly-Clark Australia identifies pleading and evidentiary issues in the ACCC's case, and provides useful guidance for companies about how courts will interpret product representations and what will be considered the relevant 'context' of representations made in marketing ...

Long overdue – how the new continuous disclosure and litigation funder regulation measures seek to curb entrepreneurial class actions
Insight 28 May 2020

In recent days, the economic uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic has proved the catalyst for the introduction of two long-debated changes to Australia's class action and continuous disclosure regimes. ...

Shareholder resolutions
Insight 26 May 2020

Shareholders are becoming increasingly aware of climate change risks. Since early 2017, both Australian and foreign companies have faced a wave of climate change-related shareholder activism. Ceres maintains a Climate and Sustainability Shareholder Resolutions Database, which at February 2020 showe ...

Increasing climate litigation and shareholder action expected
Insight 26 May 2020

There is a growing trend for legal action against corporates, particularly energy companies and financial firms. Many commentators, including former Chief Justice French, have predicted a continued rise in climate change litigation in Australia. ...

What courts and regulators expect from corporate compliance
Insight 22 May 2020

The recent decision of ACCC v Bupa Aged Care contains valuable lessons on the importance of compliance programs. They include how quickly improving or implementing such programs can lead to lower penalties; the extent to which regulators and courts favourably view effective compliance programs when assessing penalties, and what features they consider to be essential. ...

Federal Court refuses to order disclosure of class action respondent's insurance policies
Insight 27 Apr 2020

In contrast to a previous decision, the Federal Court has refused to order the disclosure of the respondent's insurance policies to the applicant in a class action. We explore this decision and also highlight the way in which the court's reasoning differed from a prior decision that found in favour of disclosure. ...

ASIC's New Document Production Guidelines
Insight 12 Mar 2020

ASIC has released its new Document Production Guidelines, which govern how it expects electronic and hard copy records to be produced in response to compulsory notices. ...

Linklaters Insights: Novel Coronavirus - practice guide of significant commercial and legal issues
Insight 17 Feb 2020

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus is causing disruption across greater China and the region. This cross-practice guide from our colleagues at Linklaters highlights key issues that may affect business operations in the current environment. ...

Court clears Vodafone/TPG merger in keenly awaited decision
News 13 Feb 2020

The Court, in the biggest merger litigation in Australia in 10 years, found against the ACCC and held that the merger would not have the likely effect of substantially lessening competition. Fiona ...
