911-920 of 1127 results
Attribution MITs - why try to fix something that wasn't broken?
The exposure draft Bill for the taxation of 'attribution managed investment trusts' has been received with much derision. We consider the key implications ...
Protecting the financial system from cross-border contagion
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis governments and regulators have been busy identifying ways to better protect the financial system from future shocks Among these are measures for arming financial regulators with a more comprehensive crisis management toolkit Of particular concern are ...
Review of Card Payments Regulation
The level of public interest and popular support for regulation targeting excessive surcharging makes card payment regulation likely to be one of the first areas of reform following the publication of the Final Report of the Financial System Inquiry the FSI Report ...
Bank capital - where to from here?
If you have been following the debate about bank capital in recent months you could be forgiven for thinking there is only one issue how much capital should banks have to hold on account of their residential property lending activities However the Financial System Inquirys recommendations on bank ...
Nudge, nudge, think, think - ASIC and behavioural economics
In 2014 ASIC started promoting the use of behavioural economics in its regulatory activities Two reports recently released by ASIC provide clues as to how ASIC may try to counteract behavioural biases in the future ...
Will Australia serve up a Chilean-style super system?
The Financial System Inquirys final report was blunt in its assessment of the current state of Australias super system noting that the superannuation system is not operationally efficient due to a lack of strong price-based competition The Inquirys concern with super fees and costs led to one of the ...
MySuper and promoting the financial interests of MySuper beneficiaries
An examination of a trustees duty to promote the financial interests of its MySuper beneficiaries is it outcomes-based or process-based ...
Indirect costs - where to from here for superannuation trustees?
As many in the superannuation and managed investments industries are well aware there has been a number of significant changes to the manner in which indirect costs will need to be calculated and disclosed in PDSs that are on issue after 1 January 2016 While parts of the industry are continuing to ...
What do smoked fish have to do with retirement incomes?
The final report of the Financial System Inquiry recommended that APRA-regulated superannuation trustees be required to offer a comprehensive income product for retirement This rather modest recommendation in the final report stands in stark contrast to the retirement phase policy options canvassed ...
The best interests duties - process or outcome?
Superannuation fund trustees and their lawyers including this one have been grappling for years with what the covenant in section 522c of the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 means What must a trustee do to exercise its powers and discharge its duties in the best interests of ...