961-970 of 4170 results

IP Australia releases new guidance on classifying emerging technology trade marks
Insight 22 Sep 2023

IP Australia recently released new guidance on how to classify trade mark goods and services that relate to the emerging technologies of virtual goods, the metaverse, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchains. We outline how the guidance may be relevant to your business and also provide some practical suggestions for dealing with applications and registrations affected by it. ...

Best practice approach to communications between principals and superintendents
Insight 21 Sep 2023

This Insight sets out practical tips on achieving best practice communications between principals and superintendents in order to avoid any perception of bias, and summarises recent case law on the consequences of failing to heed this guidance. ...

Allens advises Pacific Equity Partners on acquisition of a 50% stake in LMS Energy
News 20 Sep 2023

LMS Energy is the country’s largest landfill gas operator, with 36 biogas-to-energy facilities, 26 biogas flaring facilities and six solar projects. It focuses on emission reduction through the ...

First NSW REZ access auction – a guide to LTESAs and access rights
Insight 20 Sep 2023

The competitive tenders for long-term energy service agreements (LTESAs) are underway, forming part of the delivery of the NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap by the State Government. This Insight gives a high-level overview of the key terms of LTESAs and the REZ access rights agreements. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: August 2023
Insight 19 Sep 2023

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of August, as well as take a closer look at the AEMC's draft rule in relation to enhancing community engagement for major transmission projects to build and maintain social licence. ...

Supercharging Australia's natural advantage in the global carbon capture and storage race
Insight 18 Sep 2023

With the push to net zero ever more challenging, we look at what might be done to reinvigorate Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Australia, looking at policy and funding initiatives on offer in the US, the UK and the EU ...

Allens advises underwriters on $714m block trade in Viva Energy
News 15 Sep 2023

Following the block trade, Vitol Investment Partners will continue to have an interest in approximately 30 per cent of Viva Energy's shares, and Viva Energy's free float will increase to ...

A twist in the road for auto class actions
Insight 14 Sep 2023

This Insight summarises our key takeaways from the decision and includes our reflections on the implications for the class action risk facing automakers. ...

Circular economy accountability – the role of business in addressing the global plastics and waste crisis
Insight 13 Sep 2023

Overuse and improper disposal of plastics and other materials is a global crisis. Businesses are under increasing pressure from various stakeholders to reduce the impact their use of materials, particularly plastics, has on the environment. ...
