1-10 of 90 results

Economic, social, legal, and regulatory implications of COVID-19

Webinar: Economic, social, legal, and regulatory implications of COVID-19 ...

Government Seminar Series - key lessons for government contracting

Webinar: Government seminar series: COVID-19 and beyond - key lessons for government contracting ...

Restructuring, Insolvency and COVID-19: where are we and where are we heading?

Webinar: Restructuring, insolvency and COVID-19: where are we and where are we heading? ...

Impacts of COVID-19 on super, funds and banking

Webinar: Impacts of COVID-19 on superannuation, funds and banking ...

COVID-19 and impacts on fund managers and investors

Webinar: Competition Law Fest 2020 ...

COVID-19 ready reckoner

As the expiration dates for the Government's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic loom, it is hard to know what protections and relaxations remain in place for companies and their directors. We summarise the current (as at the week commencing 14 September 2020) stimuli and moratoria implemented by the Federal Government. This accompanies our webinar: Restructuring and insolvency - preparing for, and going beyond, the insolvency cliff, held on 16 September 2020. ...

Exceptional events in 2020: Force majeure and managing the impact of pandemics and natural disasters on major projects

Webinar: Exceptional events in 2020: Force majeure and managing the impact of pandemics and natural disasters on major projects ...

A changing environment: key legal issues for NSW Government

Webinar: A changing environment: key legal issues for NSW Government ...

Laundy v Dyco – 'carrying on a business' when the law changes suddenly
Insight 23 Mar 2023

The High Court, in recently considering the construction of a contract for the sale of the property and assets of a hotel business affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We explain this important decision and its implications. ...

Easing of COVID-19 restrictions prompts return to work planning
Insight 02 Jun 2020

States and territories have recently eased the restrictions on business closures and public gatherings, prompting a wave of return to work planning. However, businesses need to be aware of a variet ...
