1-10 of 168 results

Takeaways from recent guidance on cyber incident disclosure obligations for listed companies
Insight 28 May 2024

In this Insight, we examine the guidance note and related developments and offer our view as to when disclosure (for the purposes of the ASX listing rule requirements) of cyber incidents should generally only occur. ...

How to prepare for, and execute, a successful exit
Insight 07 May 2024

After a relatively subdued 2023, we are predicting that the rest of 2024 will prove to be the year of the exit, with improving macroeconomic conditions providing the ideal environment for the exit of a number of high-quality assets. ...

Reforms to strengthen and streamline the FIRB regime
Insight 02 May 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Australian Treasurer announced reforms to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) framework, to make it stronger, more streamlined and more transparent. On the same day, the Government released an updated Foreign Investment Policy document, setting out the reforms. ...

Treasurer hails fifth wave of competition reform with changes to merger clearance rules
Insight 10 Apr 2024

The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers MP, announced today that the Government is moving ahead with its plans to introduce significant changes to Australia's merger clearance rules. ...

Lessons in shareholder activism
Insight 16 Jan 2024

The Australian Takeovers Panel has confirmed what most market participants suspected: a shareholder cannot acquire a substantial (5%+) long position in a target company and seek to influence its affairs without fully disclosing its position to the market. ...

Australian Treasury commences consultation on possible changes to Australia's merger clearance rules
Insight 15 Dec 2023

Possible changes to Australia's merger control rules have been on the table for some time and are now being considered by a Competition Taskforce within the Australian Treasury. On 20 November 2023, the Taskforce issued a consultation paper on possible merger clearance changes. ...

Vietnam bond investment guide
Insight 13 Dec 2023

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of corporate bonds, and discusses some key legal and practical issues for foreign investors and domestic issuers on bond transactions in Vietnam. ...

More than just window shopping: unboxing recent M&A activity in the Australian retail sector
Insight 05 Dec 2023

From 'just browsing' to buying In this Insight, we look at recent M&A trends in the consumer and retail sector, which has not escaped the challenging economic environment. We also highlight some key legal considerations for targets and investors looking at consumer and retail M&A transactions. ...

Vietnam cross-border lending guide
Insight 03 Nov 2023

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors. Both Vietnamese and foreign-invested enterprises constantly require debt capital from overseas lenders to establish and grow their businesses. Further, the demand for cross-border financing has also been boosted by a growing nu ...

Agriculture, food and beverage sector - M&A and governance update
Insight 01 Nov 2023

Despite a more cautious market in 2023, M&A in the agricultural, food and beverage sector has proven resilient. In this Insight, we delve into some ongoing trends shaping it, as well as giving a quick snapshot of Australia's proposed mandatory climate disclosure regime. ...

