1011-1020 of 2878 results
A key landmark in IBOR transition
The long-awaited ISDA IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol will be going live today with the endorsement of ASIC, the RBA and APRA. They implement new benchmark fallbacks for both future and existing derivative contracts, facilitating the efficient transition from LIBOR and other IBORs in anticipation of their discontinuation. If you have a derivatives portfolio, the Protocol allows quick and easy adoption of the new fallbacks through a one-off adherence. That said, it may not be sufficient to cover all scenarios. ...
Yes, government should fast-track infrastructure spending. But wisely.
There is no question that more public spending and job creation will help, but how that money is spent, where and on what type of projects should be carefully scrutinised. Our latest research unpacks the issues. ...
Major NSW mining lease rehabilitation reforms for all mines
All new and existing all new and existing mining leases in NSW will be regulated by new standard rehabilitation conditions under proposed reforms by the NSW Resources Regulator (Mining Amendment (Standard Conditions of Mining Leases - Rehabilitation) Regulation 2020). ...
National Electricity and Gas rules update: September 2020
In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of September, as well as take a closer look at the ESB's progress on its Post-2025 Market Design. ...
In Touch: Full Federal Court says environmental claims on packaging not misleading representations; ACCC publishes first report on airline competition; more authorisations in response to COVID-19; and other developments
Full Federal Court says environmental claims on packaging not misleading representations; ACCC publishes first report on airline competition; more authorisations in response to COVID-19; and other developments ...
From MySuper to YourSuper
The Government released a paper entitled 'Your Future, Your Super' setting out 'reforms to make your super work harder for you' in the 2020-21 budget. This article summarises the measures and gives our take on them. ...
Linklaters: Key finance insights
The pandemic has shone blinding spotlights on existing areas of concern within competition law and accelerated attempts by policy makers to find solutions. ...
Use of stub equity in control transactions
ASIC has released its response to the submissions on its June 2019 Consultation Paper on certain aspects of the use of stub equity in control transactions, and the news is mostly positive. ...
Technology Investment Roadmap
Technologies that will play a fundamental role in addressing the current shortcomings of our electricity networks and driving investor confidence in the energy sector. Learn more on what our experts have to say. ...
Double-duty provisions to receive much needed guidance on what constitutes 'land development'
The Victorian SRO has released a draft revenue ruling in an effort to provide practical guidance as to what types of activities constitute 'land development'. Unfortunately, the Draft Ruling does not overcome the existing uncertainty in some common situations and arguably seeks to expand the types of activities that may be considered 'land development'. ...