1371-1380 of 2868 results

The wait is over: Equator Principles 4 is here
Insight 25 Nov 2019

The Equator Principles Association unveiled the finalised fourth version of the Equator Principles (EP4) on 18 November 2019. Set for an effective date of 1 July 2020, EP4 heightens requirements for designated OECD countries and tightens due diligence assessments with a greater focus on human rights, climate change and biodiversity. While there are many improvements and refinements from the draft we reviewed in June, the only potentially material change is a compromise on the 'free prior and informed consent' requirement for affected Indigenous communities. ...

TGA guidance on the promotion of medicinal cannabis
Insight 25 Nov 2019

The Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA ) has issued guidance on advertising to the public for businesses involved with medicinal cannabis products and therapies. Along with advertising ...

The new test for dishonesty – criminalising conduct that falls short of 'community expectations'?
Insight 22 Nov 2019

The recent amendment to the test for dishonesty in the Corporations Act 2001, which lowers the burden on the prosecution will have implications for the concept of 'community expectations' into the criminal law. ...

Furniture retailers punished for 'was/now' pricing claims; Mazda faces allegations of consumer law failings; and location data under the lens in ACCC case against Google
Insight 22 Nov 2019

Furniture retailers fined for false 'was/now' pricing claims; Mazda defends claims of unconscionable conduct and false or misleading representations over faulty vehicles; Unique ordered to pay millions in damages over its funded diploma courses; ACCC presses Google on its policies relating to location data; and ACCC approves ANZ Terminals' acquisition of GrainCorp Bulk Liquid Terminals. ...

RBB Economics conference – response to keynote speech by ACCC Chair Rod Sims 21 November 2019
Insight 21 Nov 2019

Note: this paper represented the personal views of the author, and not those of Allens Thank you very much, George and RBB Economics, for inviting me to speak today. I am honoured to be responding to the ACCC Chair Rod Sims's speech at the ninth annual RBB Economics Conference. ...

Inherent or relevant: changes in assessing job applicants with criminal records
Insight 21 Nov 2019

The federal law test to assess job applicants with criminal records has changed. It's no longer necessary to show that the criminal record means an applicant is unable to perform the 'inherent requirements' of their role – the question is whether the criminal record is 'relevant' to the role. ...

Make no mistake (lest you are sacked): FWC rules on safety incident dismissal
Insight 21 Nov 2019

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission decided that a crane operator's sacking for a 'significant' safety incident was a fair and proportionate response, despite a working relationship of almost four decades. ...

Employer's attempt to dismiss controversial employee costs $1.2 million in compensation
Insight 21 Nov 2019

The Federal Circuit Court of Australia awarded a professor more than $1.2 million after his employer, a university, used 'cherry-picked' parts of his writings to justify his dismissal. ...

Reputation on the line: the importance of getting award compliance right
Insight 21 Nov 2019

With talk of wage theft becoming a criminal offence, this month's Senate approval of a wage and superannuation theft inquiry, and the increasing number of large employers being named and shamed for underpayments, there has never been a more important time for employers to check they are meeting their obligations – including compliance with modern awards. ...

New superannuation opt-out for high income earners
Insight 21 Nov 2019

From 1 January 2020, individuals who have more than one job may be able to opt out of receiving super contributions from all of their employers. ...

