1411-1420 of 2868 results

Climate change features again in latest coal mine refusal
Insight 26 Sep 2019

Last week the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) refused development consent for the Bylong Coal Project (Project). ...

The Launches and Returns Act: one of the most significant updates to the Space Activities Act since its implementation
Insight 26 Sep 2019

On 31 August 2018, the Space Activities Act 1998 (Cth) (Space Activities Act) was amended by the Space Activities Amendment (Launches & Return) Act 2018 (Cth). ...

Would parmesan by any other name smell as sweet?
Insight 24 Sep 2019

The deadline is approaching to lodge an objection to the proposed geographical indications in the Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement. ...

Builders' duty of care for defective works continues to narrow
Insight 23 Sep 2019

A recent UK decision1 continues the judicial trend of limiting the circumstances in which a builder will be liable in negligence for pure economic loss caused by its defective works. ...

The Full Federal Court dismisses the appeal in Encompass Corporation v InfoTrack
Insight 20 Sep 2019

The Full Federal Court decision in Encompass Corporation v InfoTrack confirms that 'computer-implementation' is insufficient to provide patentability to an otherwise unpatentable scheme. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: July & August 2019
Insight 17 Sep 2019

In this update we summarise the progress of new and existing rule change requests across the months of July and August and take a closer look at the AEMC review of the regulatory frameworks for embedded networks. ...

Full Court decides what's in a 'day'
Insight 11 Sep 2019

In a decision with far-reaching implications for employers, the Full Court of the Federal Court has decided that employees who work 12-hour shifts spread over a 36-hour week are entitled to 10 days of their shifts each year for personal/carer's leave. ...

FWC finds dismissal for Facebook post unfair
Insight 11 Sep 2019

The Fair Work Commission recently decided that while an employee's Facebook post breached her employment contract and her employer's social media policy, her dismissal was harsh because it didn't take into account her medical condition, her length of service and the lack of any previous performance issues. ...

