141-150 of 163 results for 'firb'

Hayne report - first impressions
Insight 05 Feb 2019

Commissioner Haynes recommendations may initially seem somewhat modest - they do not undo vertical integration impose limits on executive remuneration or ban bonuses and they do not recommend that directors prefer the interests of their customers But while it is true that the recommendations are not ...

ASIC on confidential information and briefings
Insight 03 Jun 2014

ASIC recently issued a report on the handling of confidential information by listed entities and their advisers focusing on analyst and investor briefings and unannounced corporate transactions While the report does not identify any systemic issues it does highlight a number of areas of concern ...

COVID-19 and continuous disclosure: how you get ready
Insight 10 Mar 2020

It is critical that listed entities understand how COVID-19 is likely to impact their businesses and are prepared to make necessary disclosures to the ASX. To date, the majority of ASX-listed entities have not made any disclosure in relation to COVID-19. In this update we have set out a number of scenarios that should be considered by listed clients as part of the proper and ongoing assessment of the need for disclosure under the ASX Listing Rules. ...

A new rights-based approach: the Aged Care Royal Commission delivers its blueprint for radical reform
Insight 05 Mar 2021

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety issued its Final Report, which recommends significant change through the creation of a new aged care system aimed at placing people at the centre of aged care. The recommendations are wide ranging. ...

APRA releases 'constructively tough' Enforcement Approach
Insight 18 Apr 2019

In the wake of the Financial Services Royal Commission Royal Commission and the introduction of the Banking Executive Accountability Regime BEAR APRA has undertaken a review of its enforcement strategy The Enforcement Review Final Report APRA Final Report and an updated Enforcement Approach have now ...

Proposed Changes to ASX Guidance Note 8 on Continuous Disclosure
Insight 18 Mar 2015

The ASX has released a consultation paper on proposed changes to Guidance Note 8 related to analysts and investor briefings analysts forecasts consensus estimates and earnings surprises ...

Targeting ESG outcomes in investment strategies
Insight 15 Aug 2023

It is now accepted that ESG risks need to be taken into account in the same way as any other investment-related risk for superannuation trustees, fund managers and institutional investors when developing and implementing their investment strategies (and in making individual investment decisions). ...

ESG activism is growing – what should boards do?
Insight 27 Jul 2021

ESG-related interests of stakeholders are impacting the governance arrangements of large listed companies. We look at why this is important for boards, and what steps they can take to mitigate becoming the target of this type of activist campaign. ...

Recent developments in non-executive director remuneration
Insight 22 Aug 2018

Encouraging share ownership by non-executive directors through non-executive director share rights plans is set to increase following a recent ATO class ruling. ...

Girt by sea: an Australian offshore renewables framework takes shape
Insight 15 Oct 2021

The positive Senate inquiry into the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 (the OEI Bill) suggests this legislation will be passed shortly. It represents a long-awaited step towards developing a regulatory framework and providing greater certainty for investors in offshore wind farm projects, as well as other forms of offshore electricity infrastructure. ...

