2351-2360 of 2871 results

High Court decision on retention obligations provides some clarity to liquidators
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The High Court has ruled that a liquidator has no obligation to retain monies on account of tax until a notice of assessment has been issued The decision will provide much needed clarity for liquidators and other statutorily deemed trustees and agents Partners Charles Armitage and Christopher ...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement
Insight 14 Dec 2015

Over the weekend in Paris two weeks of negotiations culminated in the adoption by all parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of a conference decision and Paris Agreement to address climate change The combined Paris Outcome commits parties to limit global temperature ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

Withholding tax to capture exit profits
Insight 11 Dec 2015

Legislation introduced into Parliament will impose a 10 per cent non-final withholding tax on proceeds paid to foreign parties to acquire direct or indirect interests in Australian real property and mining rights from 1 July 2016 Partner Martin Fry and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the proposed law ...

Superannuation product dashboard and portfolio holdings disclosure draft legislation released
Insight 11 Dec 2015

The Federal Government has released an exposure draft of new superannuation legislation and associated regulations which refine the current rules on portfolio holdings disclosure and product dashboards for superannuation funds The changes in the portfolio holdings disclosure area particularly ...

Fact sheet: Show me the money: Tax reforms to encourage investment in startups
Insight 10 Dec 2015

The Ideas Boom has arrived with the Federal Governments National Innovation and Science Agenda Central to the new agenda are a raft of tax and regulatory measures designed to encourage greater investment in startups to help them both get off the ground and to survive the valley of death with greater ...

Strategic planning and the Greater Sydney Commission come to NSW
Insight 09 Dec 2015

The NSW Parliament has passed legislation to establish the Greater Sydney Commission and introduce a new strategic planning framework for NSW ...

Significant High Court decision on settlement of regulatory proceedings
Insight 09 Dec 2015

The High Court today held that parties and regulators are permitted to put before the court an agreed position as to the value of a penalty reached as part of a settlement agreement Our Regulatory team reports ...

Allens Accelerate: Get ready for the #IdeasBoom!
Insight 08 Dec 2015

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled the hotly awaited National Innovation and Science Agenda NISA The Prime Minister declared the beginning of the Ideas Boom stating that unlike the mining boom this is a boom that can continue forever The NISA comprises more than 20 individual policies and ...

The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? A look at common contractual funds
Insight 08 Dec 2015

The Board of Taxations report on tax arrangements applying to collective investment vehicles considers that offshore investors are dissuaded from investing in Australian funds because they do not understand unit trusts and that access to a broader range of collective investment vehicles would help ...

