2411-2420 of 2871 results

'Safety net' or 'trampoline'? Emissions safeguard mechanism draft rules released
Insight 09 Sep 2015

The Federal Government has released its draft rules for the emissions safeguard mechanism which will impose financial penalties of up to 18 million on businesses that emit more than their allocated emissions baselines ...

Supreme Court win for Alpha Mine bolsters future mining applications
Insight 07 Sep 2015

The Supreme Court of Queensland has dismissed an environmental groups challenge to the Land Courts decision in the Alpha Coal Mine objection proceedings and ordered it to pay costs In rejecting concerns raised by the group the Supreme Court has settled various points of law in ways that may assist ...

Next phase for onshore oil and gas regulatory reform in the Northern Territory
Insight 07 Sep 2015

The Northern Territory Government has released its Guiding Principles for the onshore oil and gas industry that set out the minimum expectations for the industry until a comprehensive regulatory review is completed Operators and investors in the sector should review the compliance of their current ...

The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? A look at corporate CIVs
Insight 04 Sep 2015

The Board of Taxations report on tax arrangements applying to collective investment vehicles advocates extending tax neutrality to three additional collective investment vehicles corporates modelled on the Luxembourg SICAV limited partnerships and common contractual funds In this issue we examine ...

ASIC - A crackdown on corporate culture
Insight 04 Sep 2015

Corporate culture and its role in shaping conduct within the financial services sector is now clearly at the forefront of ASICs enforcement agenda This focus was apparent in ASICs 2014-2015 strategic outlook released in October 2014 which identified corporate culture as a key risk driver and poor ...

The UK's focus on personal accountability for bank employees: a sign of things to come?
Insight 04 Sep 2015

Last month we discussed the carrot in the UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards - how the regulators are making sure remuneration for bank staff encourages prudent risk behaviour This month we are looking at the stick - how the UK is strengthening regulators enforcement armoury to enable ...

Amendments reduce compliance burden for ASX-listed NZ companies
Insight 01 Sep 2015

ASX has released a number of proposed amendments to the ASX Foreign Exempt Listing Rules that will significantly lower both the ongoing compliance burden and the admission thresholds for New Zealand companies already listed or seeking a listing on ASX Partner Robert Pick Senior Associate Georgie ...

Stage 2 of NSW Integrated Mining Policy released
Insight 27 Aug 2015

The New South Wales Government has released a number of further guidelines for state-significant mining projects focusing on post-approval requirements as part of the second stage of public consultation on the new Integrated Mining Policy Partner Bill McCredie Senior Associate Naomi Bergman and ...

Queensland Productivity Commission inquires into electricity pricing and solar feed-in tariff
Insight 26 Aug 2015

The new Queensland Productivity Commissions first two inquiries are into electricity pricing and solar feed-in tariffs Partner John Hedge and Associate Andrea Moffatt look at the implications for industry ...

.news domain string opens up new brand-jacking threat
Insight 14 Aug 2015

The recently delegated news domain string has the potential to impact brand owners universally particularly now that registrations in the news domain string are open for general availability With no eligibility requirements and low registration costs news has a high risk of infringement at the ...

