2471-2480 of 2880 results
Support for principals with bank guarantees
A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...
Fact sheet: What price to pay for social media in the workplace?
Theres an assumption that everyone is on social media these days even when theyre at work - and they probably are Many startups embrace social media but as an employer you will need to understand and manage the risks that come with the use of social media in the workplace ...
Draft rules published for mandatory central clearing of derivatives and single-sided reporting
ASIC has published draft rules for mandatory central clearing of certain derivatives while Treasury has published draft regulations that would permit single-sided reporting of Over-the-Counter Derivatives in some situations Partner Tom Highnam and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the implications of these ...
New development levy framework introduced in Victoria
The Victorian Planning Minister has introduced legislation to implement a new development levy framework for the state Developers and land owners in growth and strategic development areas will need to understand the new system of standard and supplementary levies although much of the detail is still ...
Landholder duty risks associated with international transactions surface in Crocodile Gold case
Corporate mergers and acquisitions commonly involve changes to entities that comprise a corporate group the holding of property within that group and the ultimate beneficial ownership of that group Even if those changes occur entirely outside Australia Australian landholder duty may be payable and ...
New PNG securities legislation on the horizon
The PNG Government has announced it will introduce new legislation to repeal and replace the Securities Act 1997 and set up the Securities Commission as an independent government agency Senior Associate Ryan Warokra reports ...
PNG's personal property security reform a step closer to becoming law
Personal property security reform in Papua New Guinea is one step closer to becoming law following the governments release of draft regulations for public comment Partner Karla Fraser and Senior Associate Sarah Kuman report ...
Fact sheet: Sharing is caring - but it may also be taxable!
A current trend in our society is our willingness to share whether it be our home office or our time This sharing economy is set to grow and with that growth comes increased ATO scrutiny ...
Trowbridge - a bridge too far?
In October 2014 ASIC released its report into retail life insurance advice practices The findings were pretty grim - with poor advice being more common than good or even adequate advice ASIC said that advisers were motivated by the promise of commissions not the interests of their clients Following ...