2501-2510 of 2871 results

Will .sucks ... suck for your brand?
Insight 05 May 2015

Despite strong criticism of Vox Populis pricing scheme as predatory and exploitative brand owners are paying hefty premiums for early registration in the yourbrandsucks domain string With sunrise registration closing on 29 May 2015 you should now be taking the necessary steps to ensure your company ...

Digital First: Government releases alpha Digital Service Standard
Insight 04 May 2015

The Australian Government has released its alpha Digital Service Standard which establishes criteria that all Australian digital government services must meet to ensure they are simpler faster and easier to use ...

Rupiah requirement on transactions in Indonesia update
Insight 30 Apr 2015

On 31 March 2015 the Indonesian central bank Bank Indonesia issued Bank Indonesia Regulation No 173PBI2015 on the Obligation to Use Rupiah in the Territories of Indonesia the Regulation which further implements the provision restricting the use of foreign currency in transactions within Indonesian ...

Insolvent contractors beware: principals can rely upon set-off rights when resisting claims
Insight 29 Apr 2015

The Victorian Supreme Court has provided guidance on set-off rights in the context of insolvency particularly in relation to inconsistency between provisions of the Corporations Act and security of payment legislation Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer James Waters report ...

Taxing diverted profits
Insight 28 Apr 2015

At the recent G20 meeting in Washington Treasurer Joe Hockey announced the establishment of a working group between Australia and the UK to develop initiatives to address so-called diverted profits involving multinational enterprises What are the implications for multinationals doing business in ...

OECD releases report on Australia's anti-bribery enforcement
Insight 28 Apr 2015

The OECD Working Group on Bribery has issued a follow-up report on the extent to which Australia is meeting its obligations under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention The OECD has recommended further law reform and other measures to boost enforcement of foreign bribery offences Partner Rachel Nicolson ...

Court confirms priority to receivership profits
Insight 27 Apr 2015

A Supreme Court of Queensland judgment handed down today has provided greater certainty for secured creditors of companies that earn profits following the appointment of a receiver The judgment dispels suggestions that the law was uncertain and means that secured creditors can continue to fund ...

Update strengthens legal avenues for online copyright rights holders
Insight 24 Apr 2015

Telecommunications industry body the Communications Alliance has submitted an updated Copyright Notice Scheme to allow rights holders to better use existing legal avenues to defend their rights The updated Notice Scheme resolves a number of issues that were left open when the first draft of the ...

New guidance on restructuring your workforce in Vietnam
Insight 23 Apr 2015

Dismissing employees whether for under-performance or misconduct has always been a difficult task in Vietnam given the strongly pro-employee labour legislation However the Government has recently issued new legislation in an attempt to level the playing field and create a clearer avenue for ...

United States implements novel sanctions regime to combat cyber threats
Insight 22 Apr 2015

President Barack Obama has issued an Executive Order enabling the US Department of Treasury to implement targeted sanctions against foreign individuals or entities whose cyber-enabled activities result in significant threats to the national security foreign policy economic health or financial ...

