2631-2640 of 2881 results

Senate passes Emissions Reduction Fund legislation
Insight 10 Nov 2014

The Senate has passed legislation for the establishment of an emissions reduction fund to purchase carbon abatement ...

Foreign pension funds to access reduced withholding tax rate
Insight 10 Nov 2014

Legislation has been introduced into Federal Parliament to allow foreign pension funds to access the managed investment trust withholding tax regime with effect from 1 July 2008 Partner Katrina Parkyn and Associate Scott Lang examine the proposed legislation and its implications for foreign pension ...

High Court examines powers of responsible entities
Insight 07 Nov 2014

The High Court has reaffirmed the powers of a responsible entity are ultimately derived from the scheme's constitution, but the exercise of those powers is constrained by the statutory and fiduciary duties imposed on the responsible entity. ...

Implementing Australia's free trade commitments with Japan, Korea and Chile
Insight 06 Nov 2014

The Commonwealth has recently made regulation to implement Australias commitments under its free trade agreements with Japan Korea and Chile which will ease certain foreign investment review and life insurance business regulations for investors from those countries Japan Sector Leader and Partner ...

Innovation and competitiveness agenda to benefit the resources and energy sectors
Insight 06 Nov 2014

The Federal Government has released its Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda the industry-led growth and innovation component of its broader Economic Action Strategy reform Industry participants in the resources and energy sectors will benefit from proposals which aim to increase ...

The 'Internet of Things' meets financial advice
Insight 05 Nov 2014

With financial services providers already taking advantage of the possibilities created by a new tide of internet meta data we need regulators and a regulatory regime that see the opportunities implicit in the change and not only the risks ...

Should APRA's prudential standard-making powers extend to directors' duties?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

In recent times APRA has been active in prescribing duties for directors of the institutions it regulates In light of what has happened it is worth asking should the question of directors duties be excluded from APRAs prudential standard-making powers ...

Risk management - what, if anything, does the 'three lines of defence' model do?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

From 1 January 2015 a new common risk management prudential standard will apply to banks general insurers and life companies and in many cases to other companies in the corporate groups in which those institutions sit Michael Mathieson looks at the three lines of defence model that APRA proposes to ...

Getting the deal through - Australia PPP chapter
Insight 05 Nov 2014

Partners Leighton OBrien and Nicholas Ng provide an overview on public-private partnerships PPPs in Australia examining the general PPP framework trends in the industry the procurement process operation and maintenance default and termination and financing ...

Big Data v 'personal advice' - an unequal contest?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

There is a contest underway between two heavyweights In one corner of the ring we have Big Data In the other corner we have the definition of personal advice in section 766B3 of the Corporations Act ...

