2801-2810 of 2870 results

Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper released
Insight 28 Apr 2014

The Federal Government has released its White Paper on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson reports ...

Using 'reasonable endeavours' - the importance of internal contractual standards
Insight 28 Apr 2014

The High Court has recently highlighted the significance of internal contractual standards when interpreting an obligation to use reasonable endeavours Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyers Goran Gelic and Timothy Leschke report on this development and its implications ...

Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement: strengthening cross-border investment
Insight 23 Apr 2014

The landmark Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement is expected to further strengthen the established complementary economic relationship between the two countries, and to provide new opportunities for cross-border investment and trade. ...

Work Health & Safety
Insight 23 Apr 2014

This Insight examines the latest developments in Workplace Health and Safety laws ...

Draft legislation released to improve corporate law compliance burden
Insight 17 Apr 2014

An exposure draft of proposed legislative amendments designed to reduce the compliance burden for businesses has been released by the Federal Government The amendments include long-awaited changes to the dividend payment rules the abolition of the 100 member rule and updates to remuneration ...

Productivity Commission - third party litigation funding and contingency fees
Insight 17 Apr 2014

The Productivity Commissions draft report on its inquiry into Australias system of civil dispute resolution has now been released The comprehensive review focuses on ways to constrain costs and promote access to justice One of the areas the Productivity Commission is examining is Australias private ...

Competition policy 'root and branch' review issues paper released
Insight 16 Apr 2014

Following the release of the final terms of reference for the root and branch review of Australias competition law and policy the review panel has released an issues paper and a fact sheet about the review Partner Kon Stellios reports ...

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects
Insight 16 Apr 2014

The NSW Government has released a draft Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects that will apply to the assessment of State Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure Partner Paul Lalich Senior Associate Trent March and Lawyer Dennis Smith consider the implications of the ...

The Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
Insight 15 Apr 2014

Australia and japan have enetered into an economic partnership agreement to reducel tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to Japan. In contrast to the recently concluded Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, it does not include an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism. ...

Queensland Government proposes land access reforms
Insight 15 Apr 2014

The Queensland Government has released a discussion paper setting out proposed reforms to the States land access regime for public and private land The paper closely follows other discussion papers released recently in respect of proposed reforms to restricted land and the process for notifying and ...

