401-410 of 2866 results

Generative AI: Where to from here?

Generative AI: Where to from here? ...

June financial services regulation update

Webinar: June financial services regulation update ...

Harnessing technology to advance ESG objectives

Webinar: Harnessing technology to advance ESG objectives ...

May financial services regulation update

Webinar: May financial services regulation update ...

Federal US privacy reform

Webinar: What should Australian organisations know about new proposed federal US privacy laws? ...

Construction law year in review and year ahead

Webinar: Construction law year in review and year ahead ...

Class action risk returning to previous heights

Webinar: [Class action risk returning to previous heights ...

A success for successor fund transfers – court finds that secret commission offence provisions do not apply
Insight 20 Oct 2022

A recent decision in the Queensland Supreme Court should provide confidence to superannuation funds seeking to engage in successor fund transfers (SFTs) that they will not need to obtain the prior assent of the court or members before proceeding with the transaction, at least where Queensland and Victorian laws apply. ...

Earn-out consideration under a scheme of arrangement – the art of the possible
Insight 19 Oct 2022

The recent acquisition of an unlisted public company Crestone Holdings Limited has established a new market precedent involving the use of earn out consideration under a scheme of arrangement. ...

Class action risk: interim update
Insight 18 Oct 2022

Filings are down, but impact too early to call. 2022 is shaping up as the year that bucks a number of long-running class action trends. Filings are materially down on prior years, and the claims that have been filed are somewhat at odds with recent trends. ...

