621-630 of 2868 results

Net-zero by 2050: implications for Australia's electricity sector

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: implications for Australia's electricity sector ...

In Touch: Highest total penalty amount ever imposed under ACL; and other developments
Insight 10 Dec 2021

NAB acquisition of Citigroup Australia Pty Limited’s Aust consumer business; Turnitin LLC's acquisition of Ouriginal Group AB; Techtronic Industries Australia; JBS acquisition of Rivalea Holdings and Oxdale Dairy Enterprise; Compass Matin; Australian Institute of Professional Education Pty Ltd ...

Long-awaited sanctions reform may result in more dispersed sanctions risk
Insight 08 Dec 2021

Last year, the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (the committee) recommended enacting legislation to establish a worldwide human rights sanctions regime. Last week, the government's response was tabled in Parliament. ...

Ambition for a global hydrogen economy
Insight 07 Dec 2021

There is now a clear sense that hydrogen may prove the 'missing link' for countries seeking to achieve a fully functioning, net-zero economy consistent with their Paris Agreement objectives. ...

Corporate and financial services whistleblowing
Insight 06 Dec 2021

In this Insight, we have summarised recent whistleblowing developments from an ASIC perspective, and identified several international developments which may inform ASIC's supervisory and enforcement activities in this space going forward. ...

Linklaters Insights: Anti-bribery and corruption law and enforcement across the globe
Insight 06 Dec 2021

An understanding of the global reach of anti-bribery and corruption regulation, as well as the application of it within a specific jurisdiction, is key to managing risk for today’s international businesses. ...

The Federal Government's 20-year gas plan ‒ what's next
Insight 02 Dec 2021

The recently released 2021 National Gas Infrastructure Plan (the NGIP) sets out priority actions for ensuring affordable, reliable gas, and provides a pathway to unlocking new supply for the east coast gas market. ...

What does COP26 mean for Australian business?
Insight 02 Dec 2021

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently concluded its 26th Conference of Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP26) in Glasgow, which placed a major spotlight on climate issues. Together with the Glasgow Climate Pact, a suite of announcements signal important changes and opportunities. In this Insight we unpack some of the key outcomes from COP26 and what they mean for Australian businesses. ...

Australian class actions trends: 2021 update
Insight 01 Dec 2021

Class action litigation in Australia continues to be active and highly complex. Over the past 10 to 15 years, class actions have become an increasingly entrenched and accepted aspect of commercial life for organisations conducting business in Australia. ...

Class actions in Australia: An overview
Insight 01 Dec 2021

Class actions are an established and important part of the Australian legal landscape. Over the course of the past decade, Australia has become the most likely jurisdiction outside of the United States in which a corporation will face significant class action litigation. ...

