701-710 of 2868 results

Invalidity of mining lease application confirmed as Forrest's impact grows
Insight 17 Sep 2021

In the recent decision Onslow Resources Ltd v Minister for Mines and Petroleum, the WA Court of Appeal held that a mining lease application was invalid because it wasn't accompanied by a compliant mining operations statement – confirming that the effects of Forrest & Forrest Pty Ltd v Wilson ...

Major reforms to unfair contract terms regime proposed
Insight 16 Sep 2021

Federal Treasury has released exposure draft legislation and explanatory materials for a major suite of proposed reforms to unfair contract terms law, which will put a heavy burden on businesses. The Government is seeking feedback on the changes, with responses due by 20 September 2021. ...

The first word on group costs orders in class actions
Insight 15 Sep 2021

The Supreme Court of Victoria has provided significant first guidance on the operation of its new group costs order regime for class actions. ...

High Court defamation decision means businesses could be responsible for comments posted on their social media pages
Insight 15 Sep 2021

In proceedings relating to alleged defamation of Dylan Voller, the High Court has confirmed that the administrators of public social media pages are 'publishers' of comments posted by third parties and members of the public on their page, for the purposes of defamation law. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: August 2021
Insight 15 Sep 2021

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of June, as well as take a closer look at the AER's Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2021-22. ...

Reviewing Australia’s payment system review: the major recommendations
Insight 14 Sep 2021

The Final Report of the Treasury's Review of the Australian Payments System (Final Report) was released on 30 August 2021, following a consultation process with stakeholders from November to December 2020. Treasury has indicated that further consultation on the recommendations in the Final Report will be conducted ahead of the Government finalising a response. ...

Food and beverage law bulletin
Insight 14 Sep 2021

Sugar and alcohol labels under the microscope, including new requirements for alcoholic beverages to display pregnancy labels; minimising regulatory risk regarding misleading conduct on the sale and promotion of food products; COVID-19 and food; and class actions in the sector. ...

ESG and funds management

Webinar: ESG and funds management: lessons from the UK and Europe ...

Essential Services Commission: new powers on the horizon
Insight 13 Sep 2021

On 7 September 2021, the Essential Services Commission (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) was introduced to the Victorian Parliament. The Bill significantly strengthens the Essential Services Commission (ESC)'s compliance and enforcement powers to give effect to the Victorian Government's Energy Fairness Plan. ...

Is Australia's merger control regime really broken and is such significant change required?
Insight 09 Sep 2021

ACCC Chair Rod Sims has outlined for debate the ACCC's proposals to overhaul Australia's merger control regime. We are not convinced the system is broken. We consider that the ACCC's proposals are an over-correction to address a problem that has not been demonstrated to exist. ...

