91-100 of 521 results

Commissioner victorious in taxing cross-border trust distributions of capital gains
Insight 04 Aug 2021

The Full Federal Court has confirmed a controversial view held by the Commissioner of Taxation (the Commissioner) on the taxation of capital gains from non-taxable Australian property made by Australian resident discretionary trusts that are distributed to foreign resident beneficiaries. ...

Australian Infrastructure Investment report 2021
Insight 03 Aug 2021

With governments laying out record spending on infrastructure as a source of stimulus, we are at a critical moment. Understanding how investors’ priorities have shifted and addressing barriers to investment is crucial to leveraging private capital through Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. ...

PE Horizons 2021: market update
Insight 02 Aug 2021

With strategic bidders and foreign government acquirers on the side lines, 2021 may be the busiest ever for PE dealmakers ...

In Touch: ACCC to scrutinise online marketplaces; Epic Games' case to be heard in Australia; and other developments
Insight 29 Jul 2021

ACCC vs SmileDirectClub for false and misleading statements; Australian Vending Buying Association allowed to collectively negotiate with goods suppliers; Epic Games proceedings against Apple to be heard in Australia; Lorna Jane ordered to pay $5 million in penalties; ACCC to examine online marketplaces; NZCC institutes cartel proceedings against consumer loan provider Moola. ...

Dumped: When a tenant walks out, who is responsible for abandoned waste?
Insight 22 Jul 2021

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued a prevention notice requiring a landlord to clean up hundreds of tonnes of hazardous e-waste abandoned by its tenant. ...

Commercial landlords during the NSW COVID-19 lockdown: how can you take lease enforcement action and against which tenants?
Insight 20 Jul 2021

NSW's new retail and commercial leasing regulations are now in force, requiring landlords to use mediation before taking enforcement action against eligible impacted tenants during the current COVID-19 lockdown. ...

In Touch: Multiple Federal Court rulings on unconscionable conduct and false and misleading representations; and other developments
Insight 14 Jul 2021

Brownes Dairy's non-compliance with Dairy Code; Captain Cook College acted unconscionably; Nine Entertainment Co pays penalties; proposed ACCC authorisation of Country Press Australia collective bargaining agreement; Federal Court orders $1.2 million penalty on Sumo; and Geowash appeal dismissed ...

In Touch: new motor vehicle service and repair information laws speed through Parliament; and other developments
Insight 24 Jun 2021

Grape Co; new motor vehicle service and repair information laws; Dye & Durham's acquisition of GlobalX; university competition law exemption; digiDirect; Woolworths' acquisition of shares in PFD Food Services ...

WA Government passes Security of Payment reforms
Insight 23 Jun 2021

The statutory right to receive payment claimed and the rapid adjudication process, amongst other changes introduced by the Building and Construction (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (WA) (Act), will govern construction contracts entered into after commencement of the Act. ...

