91-100 of 206 results

Recent decision on FoFA advice provisions - ASIC v NSG
Insight 05 May 2017

The recent case of ASIC v NSG Services Pty Ltd considers the FoFA best interests and appropriate advice provisions, as well as obligations of licensees. While the facts of the case provide an extreme example of how advisers and licensees can fail to comply with these duties, it also provides some us ...

CIPRs - some interesting findings
Insight 05 May 2017

We recently hosted some workshops in Sydney and Melbourne to discuss the proposed CIPR framework The outcomes of those workshops were interesting - in some respects surprising - and this article provides a brief report ...

A step closer to industry funding of ASIC
Insight 07 Apr 2017

Last week the Federal Government moved another step closer to implementing an industry funding model for the recovery of ASICs costs by introducing the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2017 as well as two related Bills into Parliament These Bills implement the recommendations of the ...

Productivity Commission's proposed alternate default models for superannuation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

In the latest and undoubtedly most significant of its reports into the design of default superannuation arrangements in Australia the Productivity Commission yesterday released its Draft Report in relation to Superannuation Alternative Default Models Partner Geoff Sanders of the Allens ...

Innovative Superannuation Income Streams - at last
Insight 21 Mar 2017

Earlier today Treasury released exposure draft regulations for Innovative Superannuation Income Streams They set out income stream standards that will be relevant for products such as deferred annuities and group self-annuitised products The Allens Superannuation team reports ...

Consumer protection in the banking, insurance and financial sector
Insight 10 Mar 2017

The Senate Economics References Committee is conducting an inquiry into the regulatory framework for the protection of consumers in the banking insurance and financial services sector ...

Clearing the way for social impact investing
Insight 10 Mar 2017

The Commonwealth Treasury is seeking feedback on how to kickstart social impact investment in Australia ...

Mandatory margining
Insight 07 Feb 2017

Late last year APRA released the implementation schedule for its long-awaited Prudential Standard CPS 226 Margining and risk mitigation for non-centrally cleared derivatives ...

A framework for CIPRs or just more work for super trustees?
Insight 16 Dec 2016

Treasury released a paper seeking feedback on a framework for Comprehensive Income Products for Retirement. It will permit trustees to offer members on a 'soft default' basis 'mass-customised, composite retirement income products' and, to encourage trustees ...

Product design and distribution rules
Insight 13 Dec 2016

On 13 December 2016 Treasury released a paper seeking feedback on the proposed financial product design and distribution obligations and proposed product intervention powers for ASIC The proposals are intended to create new accountability obligations for product issuers and distributors On one view ...

