91-100 of 124 results
Managed investment trusts exposure draft legislation: impacts on funds management industry
Exposure draft legislation to implement the long-awaited changes to the tax regime for managed investment trusts has been released The amendments are lengthy and complicated and will require systems changes and careful review of trust deeds and constitutions Although the new regime will apply ...
A new phase in tax reform
The Federal Governments Tax Discussion Paper presents a mix of new and old themes for debate about the taxation of Australian business and begins a new stage in tax reform Partner Martin Fry and Senior Associate Jennifer Richards comment on some of the key issues for corporate taxpayers in ...
Sensible changes proposed to the Australian taxation of ESS interests
Sensible changes have been proposed to the taxation of employee share schemes in the new tax legislation before parliament. ...
Further guidance on promoter penalty provisions
The Federal Court has recently had another opportunity to consider the application of the promoter penalty provisions in the Taxation Administration Act The Federal Courts recent decision indicates that the promotion of schemes that are clear and deliberate tax exploitation schemes will result in ...
Changes to the rules governing foreign investment in Australian agriculture
The Australian Government has announced that from 1 March 2015 acquisitions of agricultural land worth more than A15 million and any additional acquisitions over and above that amount will require government approval It will also establish a foreign ownership register of agricultural land ...
Supreme Court decision limits the scope of landholder duty in Queensland
The Queensland Supreme Court has held that mining leases did not constitute an interest in land for the purposes of the former land rich duty regime While subsequent amendments to the Duties Act 2001 Qld mean that mining tenements are now treated as an interest in land the decision provides much ...
High Court 'moves' unanimously in defining the scope of consideration for tax purposes
Those involved in property development arrangements or business acquisitions should be aware of the tax implications of the recent High Court decision in Lend Lease Development that has broadened the scope of what forms the consideration for the transfer of dutiable property The High Court found ...
Will deductions by employees for home to work travel fly?
A recent Federal Court decision means 'fly-in fly-out' workers cannot claim tax deductions for the cost of transport to and from work. ...
Exploring the duty implications of farm-in agreements in Queensland
The Queensland Government has introduced into Parliament legislation to provide a stamp duty concession for eligible farm-in agreements relating to exploration authorities and transfers of interests in exploration authorities under such farm-in agreements Partner Katrina Parkyn and Associate Jay ...