1001-1010 of 1057 results

CAMAC is dead. Long live the FSI
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The recent Federal budget included measures to abolish some government bodies by 1 July 2015 One of those is the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee CAMAC This is a pity for those involved in the funds management industry because it means that CAMAC is no longer accepting submissions in ...

Superannuation retirement phase - lessons from recent UK annuity changes
Insight 04 Jun 2014

A key risk faced by self-funded retirees is the possibility that their superannuation savings will not last as long as they will While lifetime pensions and annuities issued by life companies can assist in addressing this risk there has traditionally been a relatively low uptake of these products by ...

Will ASIC shift its regulatory focus from disclosure to suitability?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Financial System Inquiry inevitably the Murray Inquiry is the successor of the Campbell Inquiry 1979-1981 and the Wallis Inquiry 1996-1997 Both the Campbell and Wallis reports considered that investors were best protected through disclosure and market integrity rules Both reports assumed that ...

What does 1 July 2014 mean under FoFA?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

For most people working in the financial services industry it would be unwise to let 1 July come and go without asking what will change In 2014 as in 2012 and 2013 1 July is a very significant date under FoFA the Future of Financial Advice ...

ASIC on confidential information and briefings
Insight 03 Jun 2014

ASIC recently issued a report on the handling of confidential information by listed entities and their advisers focusing on analyst and investor briefings and unannounced corporate transactions While the report does not identify any systemic issues it does highlight a number of areas of concern ...

The ramifications of a Facebook rant
Insight 22 May 2014

The Full Court of the Federal Court recently handed down its decisions on an appeal that highlights the dangers of making unsubstantiated social media comments Partner Miriam Stiel and Lawyer Tracy Lu report on a long-running dispute where the court found personal Facebook posts constituted ...

The Federal Court on information to third parties, legal professional privilege and waiver
Insight 21 May 2014

A recent Federal Court decision highlights the importance of managing the provision of information and documentation to third parties with caution in order to preserve legal professional privilege Partner Richard Harris and Senior Associate Elnaz Nikibin report on the case ...

Competition law update
Insight 20 May 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Confirmation of FATCA Status of Australian Superannuation Funds
Insight 16 May 2014

The Intergovernmental Agreement between Australia and the United States in relation to the implementation of the FATCA regime has been signed. ...

Emissions Reduction Fund Exposure Draft Legislation Released
Insight 16 May 2014

The Federal Government has released exposure draft legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson and Lawyer Albert Yu report ...

