101-110 of 549 results

The role of banking in the infrastructure-led recovery
Insight 09 Mar 2021

Banks have played, and will continue to play, a key role in not only supporting Australian individuals and businesses managing the effects of the pandemic, but also as a key capital provider in the investment of new infrastructure for a post-pandemic world. ...

PE Horizons 2021
Insight 02 Mar 2021

With strategic bidders and foreign government acquirers on the side lines, 2021 may be the busiest ever for PE dealmakers ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: major FIRB law changes; ASIC extends relief for financial reporting and AGM requirements; and other corporate law developments
Insight 09 Feb 2021

Major foreign investment law changes; ASIC extends relief for financial reporting and AGM requirements and issues guidance on design and distribution laws; ASX issues guidance to address 'earning surprises'; ACCC releases first digital platform inquiry interim report; and WA Supreme Court hands down decision with implications for legal professional privilege in internal emails. ...

ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations

Webinar: ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations ...

Australian foreign investment national security reforms – moneylending exemption survives, substantially intact
Insight 14 Dec 2020

As part of the national security reforms the Government had proposed to revoke the moneylending exemption in the case of security over a 'national security business'. This would have required foreign lenders to apply to the Foreign Investment Review Board for approval or exemption before undertaking routine loan participations. ...

Design and Distribution Obligations
Insight 14 Dec 2020

Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime is one of the biggest things for the financial services industry in 2020, affecting almost every part of the industry. ...

Changes to Regulatory Guide 256
Insight 07 Dec 2020

ASIC has released a first-round consultation paper on proposed changes to Regulatory Guide 256: Client Review and Remediation Conducted by Advice Licensees. The proposed changes are substantial, and will apply to new entities including super fund trustees. ...

Australian banking and finance market: the year that's been and what's ahead in 2021

Webinar: Australian banking and finance market: the year that's been and what's ahead in 2021 ...

Government introduces the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020
Insight 13 Nov 2020

The government yesterday introduced into Parliament the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020 to implement a large number of the Hayne Royal Commission recommendations. Many provisions have a start date of 1 January 2021, and some don't have a transition period. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: ASIC concludes stub equity consultation; FIRB amending legislation introduced; FIRB updates guidance on tax conditions; proposal to make electronic signing and virtual meetings permanent; and other corporate law developments
Insight 02 Nov 2020

ASIC concludes position on use of stub equity in control transactions; ASX extends emergency class waivers and clarifies ability to ratify use of additional placement capacity; FIRB amending legislation introduced to Parliament; FIRB updates guidance on tax conditions; ACCC to examine competition in mobile apps; Fair Work Commission extends temporary COVID-19 flexibilities in 99 modern awards; Federal Government proposes to make electronic signing and virtual meetings permanent. ...

