101-110 of 464 results

Further security of critical infrastructure developments announced
Insight 08 Oct 2021

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (Joint Committee) has recommended that businesses responsible for Australia's critical infrastructure be subjected to expanded governance assistance measures as a matter of urgency. If adopted, the recommendations would see the proposed Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Draft Bill) separated into two bills. ...

In Touch: the ACCC's vision for the future of Australia's merger regime; and other developments
Insight 06 Oct 2021

The ACCC's overhaul of Australia's merger review regime; no cartel charges against the CFMMEU; payment system merger between BPAY, eftpos and NPPA; review of app marketplaces; no coordination for Qantas and Japan Airlines; Nero's resale price maintenance. ...

In Touch: ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; and other developments
Insight 29 Sep 2021

ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; Decathlon fined; ACCC commences proceedings against Mercedes-Benz re Takata airbags; Phoenix Institute ruled to have acted unconscionably; Country Press Australia given the green light to collectively bargain with Google and Facebook; ACCC commences proceedings against Telstra, Optus and TPG re NBN speeds ...

New Victorian Market-led Proposals Guideline encourages private sector proposals to Government
Insight 31 Aug 2021

The Victorian Government has recently released an updated version of its Market-led Proposals Guideline (also known as 'unsolicited proposals' or 'exclusive transactions' in other states) which affirms its continued focus on market-led infrastructure and services projects. ...

Key changes to COVID-19 commercial tenancy protections: what do landlords need to know?
Insight 27 Aug 2021

NSW's retail and commercial leasing regulations have been amended, now requiring (in addition to the protections under the original regulations) landlords not to increase rent, and to renegotiate rent and other lease terms, before taking enforcement action against eligible impacted tenants ...

Commissioner victorious in taxing cross-border trust distributions of capital gains
Insight 04 Aug 2021

The Full Federal Court has confirmed a controversial view held by the Commissioner of Taxation (the Commissioner) on the taxation of capital gains from non-taxable Australian property made by Australian resident discretionary trusts that are distributed to foreign resident beneficiaries. ...

Hydrogen is here - are you ready?
Insight 03 Aug 2021

Following the release of the National Hydrogen Strategy in 2019, Australia is seeing exciting developments in government funding, new project announcements and private sector interest in a hydrogen industry. Federal and state governments are partnering with the private sector to support hydrogen technologies, in the race to become a premier exporter of clean hydrogen to the decarbonised global economy. This Insight explores the opportunities for Australia to establish a leading hydrogen industry, including recent policy developments, the latest funding announcements and key legal issues to be aware of. ...

Australian Infrastructure Investment report 2021
Insight 03 Aug 2021

With governments laying out record spending on infrastructure as a source of stimulus, we are at a critical moment. Understanding how investors’ priorities have shifted and addressing barriers to investment is crucial to leveraging private capital through Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. ...

PE Horizons 2021: market update
Insight 02 Aug 2021

With strategic bidders and foreign government acquirers on the side lines, 2021 may be the busiest ever for PE dealmakers ...

