101-110 of 158 results

E-signature - a case study, but not a test case
Insight 29 Sep 2016

A recent New South Wales Court of Appeal decision concerned a guarantee purportedly signed by e-signature without the guarantors knowledge It is an interesting case-study though the decision is really about ostensible authority and ratification Senior Finance Counsel Diccon Loxton considers its ...

Improving the role of the Appointed Actuary
Insight 06 Sep 2016

APRA is seeking to improve the role of the Appointed Actuary in general and life insurance companies and has proposed some reforms in a discussion paper released earlier this year ...

Not better late - the Prime Trust appeal judgment
Insight 06 Sep 2016

The main Prime Trust appeal judgement is relatively well known but a trusts responsible entities and their officers should look at what the appeal court had to say on other related matters ...

Linklaters Insights: Investing in Europe: What do Europe's new market abuse rules mean for investors?
Insight 09 Aug 2016

If you have investments in European listed companies you should be aware of the EUs new Market Abuse Regulation and how it may impact you wherever in the world you are based ...

Shareholder activism: Full Court says no to revolution by resolution
Insight 18 Jul 2016

At a time of increasing shareholder activism a recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court has confirmed that activist shareholders have a very limited part to play in the exercise of a boards power in the management of a company Partners Kim Reid and Julian Donnan and Associate Manu ...

Allens Accelerate: Preparing for investment
Insight 08 Jun 2016

As a startup looking to raise capital youll most likely spend a fair bit of time thinking about your pitch to potential investors and if youre lucky the terms of any investment ...

AMITs are here (at last)
Insight 02 Jun 2016

It has taken a while but out of the dust of an early Federal Budget and double-dissolution election announcement a new tax attribution regime for Attribution Managed Investment Trusts has emerged relatively intact While the AMIT regime should generally be welcomed as a positive thing for MITs in ...

Being 'professional' under D&O insurance policies
Insight 08 Mar 2016

In a recent decision the Full Federal Court has clarified the scope of a professional services exclusion in a Directors Officers insurance policy Partner Andrew Maher and Senior Associate Andrew Lazzaro report on a case that gives some guidance on the relationship between professional indemnity and ...

Major overhaul of Australia's foreign investment laws: what's new?
Insight 04 Dec 2015

The new package of legislation overhauling Australias foreign investment laws the first major revision in 40 years commenced on 1 December 2015 While many features of the previous regime have been retained and sometimes re-named there are also a number of significant changes Partners Jeremy Low ...

ASIC tweaks employee incentive scheme relief
Insight 12 Nov 2015

Various amendments to ASICs employee incentive scheme class order relief have now come into effect Described by ASIC as minor and machinery in nature the clarifications and improvements were prompted in part by market feedback Partner Greg Bosmans looks at the changes ...

