101-110 of 177 results

Review of climate change policies discussion paper
Insight 28 Mar 2017

Following the release of the terms of reference for the 2017 climate change policy review in December 2016 the Federal Government has recently released its climate change policy review discussion paper for public consultation Partner Andrew Mansour Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Lawyer Holly ...

Victoria to ban fracking
Insight 08 Mar 2017

Victoria has become the first state to permanently ban all onshore unconventional gas exploration and development passing new anti-fracking legislation this week The new law also extends the moratorium on all onshore petroleum exploration and production in Victoria until 30 June 2020 Partner Igor ...

Alternative models for financing water infrastructure
Insight 23 Feb 2017

A healthy pipeline of Australian infrastructure projects has created a certain level of competition for project funds Partner Kate Axup Associate Danielle Jones and Lawyer Luisa Colosimo recently contributed to a discussion paper on alternative funding models for financing Australias water ...

Federal Government addresses uncertainty around Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Insight 17 Feb 2017

The Federal Government has moved to provide certainty for those who rely on registered Indigenous Land Use Agreements following the Full Federal Courts decision that called the legal status of these agreements into question by introducing amending legislation Partner Ben Zillmann and Senior ...

Registering Indigenous Land Use Agreements - it's all or nothing
Insight 06 Feb 2017

In McGlade v Native Title Registrar, the Full Federal Court has found that the Native Title Registrar does not have the jurisdiction to register an agreement on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements unless the agreement is signed by all registered native title claimants. ...

Key planning reforms for developers, miners and major projects in NSW
Insight 19 Jan 2017

The NSW Government has kicked off 2017 by releasing proposed reforms to the State's ageing planning legislation. ...

Adani clears latest hurdle in Carmichael Mine approval
Insight 12 Dec 2016

The Supreme Court of Queensland has upheld the decision of the Chief Executive of the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to issue an environmental authority for the Carmichael Mine In dismissing an application for judicial review by one of the mines objectors the Supreme ...

Climate change policy news: more guidance for Australian businesses
Insight 06 Dec 2016

Over the past fortnight both the Federal and Victorian Governments have made progress in climate change policy and regulation with the Federal Government announcing its terms of reference for the 2017 climate change policy review and the Victorian Government tabling its new Climate Change Bill 2016 ...

Major water reforms in Queensland to affect all water users
Insight 06 Dec 2016

Major water reforms that will affect all water users particularly the resources industry have commenced in Queensland. All water users should be aware of the changes and new obligations especially as there may be potentially significant time and cost benefits and risks ...

Changes to the policy framework for Voluntary Planning Agreements in NSW
Insight 10 Nov 2016

The New South Wales Government has released a draft suite of documents aimed at improving the policy framework for Voluntary Planning Agreements These include a draft Ministerial direction for planning authorities a draft revised practice note and a draft planning circular The new policy is an ...

