101-110 of 257 results

The end of the unit trust monopoly - tranche 1 of the revised CCIV bill
Insight 15 Jun 2018

On 13 June 2018 the Federal Government released the first tranche of the revised exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle which it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget We are undertaking a ...

2018-19 Federal Budget - superannuation
Insight 15 May 2018

The 2018-19 Federal Budget has introduced a number of proposed superannuation-related changes, with a focus on protecting small balances, young members and existing retirees. ...

CCIVs: Lost in translation?
Insight 09 Apr 2018

The long-awaited Exposure Draft containing the tax treatment of the proposed new corporate collective investment vehicle has been released for consultation. ...

Asia Region Funds Passport Bill introduced
Insight 06 Apr 2018

After extensive consultation the Corporations Amendment Asia Region Funds Passport Bill was introduced into Parliament delivering on Australia's commitment as set out in the Asian Region Funds Passports Memorandum ...

Australia - Fund Finance 2018, 2nd Edition
Insight 27 Feb 2018

Fund financing activities in Australia remained strong in 2017 with particular focus on infrastructure private equity funds and private debt funds which have taken advantage of the additional liquidity and funding flexibility in this market Allens Partner Tom Highnam Managing Associate Rita Pang and ...

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 22 Feb 2018

As new funds enter the local market flexible debt funding structures become more prevalent and sponsors are forced to deploy capital in more innovative ways we expect the Australian PE market to continue to grow Private Equity Horizons 2018 reviews the PE market and looks at the trends and sectors ...

A Commission of Inquiry - of the Royal, not the Parliamentary, kind
Insight 19 Dec 2017

Since the announcement of the Royal Commission into ahem financial services much has been written and said - a lot of which suggests that little attention is being paid to the terms of reference In this article I take a look at those terms ...

Infrastructure investment in Australia - the road ahead for institutional investors
Insight 11 Dec 2017

With large-scale privatisations slowing and intense competition for assets that do come to market institutional investors are looking to non-traditional assets to provide similar long-term stable and predictable returns ...

The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? CCIV legislation and ASIC guidance
Insight 09 Nov 2017

Avid readers of Unravelled over the past few years cannot have failed to notice that there are moves afoot to introduce two new forms of collective investment vehicle each promising a shiny tax-neutral alternative to the unit trust and hopefully saving Australian lawyers a lot of sleepless nights ...

The BEAR has dropped, where to from here?
Insight 09 Nov 2017

The commencement date of the BEAR legislation is fast approaching and institutions should start planning how to comply with the regime We look at the changes made to the BEAR legislation following industry submissions the timing for implementation and key steps to take ...

