101-110 of 247 results

Franchisors and holding companies liable under Vulnerable Workers Bill
Insight 02 Mar 2017

The Federal Government has introduced a Bill that will make franchisors liable for breaches of employment law by franchisees Partner Simon Dewberry and Managing Associate Andrew Stirling report ...

Implications of the Critical Infrastructure Centre for foreign investment in Australia
Insight 24 Feb 2017

The Australian Governments Critical Infrastructure Centre launched earlier this year is part of the governments plans to manage national security concerns arising from foreign investment in Australian critical infrastructure The Centre has released a discussion paper calling for input into how it ...

Federal Government addresses uncertainty around Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Insight 17 Feb 2017

The Federal Government has moved to provide certainty for those who rely on registered Indigenous Land Use Agreements following the Full Federal Courts decision that called the legal status of these agreements into question by introducing amending legislation Partner Ben Zillmann and Senior ...

Senate Committee supports proposal to broaden the misuse of market power prohibition
Insight 17 Feb 2017

The Senate Economics Legislation Committee has published its report supporting the Governments proposed reforms to broaden the misuse of market power prohibition but recommended that the mandatory factors be removed It is expected that the Government will now seek to expeditiously progress the Bill ...

Mandatory data breach notification scheme passed
Insight 13 Feb 2017

The Federal Parliament has today passed the Privacy Amendment Notifiable Data Breaches Bill 2016 which will amend the Privacy Act 1988 Cth to introduce a mandatory data breach notification scheme ...

Trends over the past year in the Australian projects and infrastructure sectors
Insight 08 Feb 2017

A substantial pipeline of both private and public infrastructure projects has attracted a variety of local and offshore project finance providers wishing to gain exposure to returns from these attractive Australian investment opportunities Allens Partners Nick Adkins Scott McCoy and Rob Watt look at ...

Registering Indigenous Land Use Agreements - it's all or nothing
Insight 06 Feb 2017

In McGlade v Native Title Registrar, the Full Federal Court has found that the Native Title Registrar does not have the jurisdiction to register an agreement on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements unless the agreement is signed by all registered native title claimants. ...

Vietnam seeks to accelerate SOE privatisation process
Insight 19 Jan 2017

The privatisation of State-owned companies SOEs known as equitisation in Vietnam continues to be high on the Vietnamese Governments agenda as it continues to move towards a more market-driven economy and seeks to raise much needed capital to address the State budget deficit However to date progress ...

Queensland security of payment regime: more change on the horizon
Insight 16 Jan 2017

The Queensland Government recently released a Queensland Building Plan discussion paper for public consideration that coincided with the enactment of the Federal Governments Building and Construction Industry Improving Productivity Bill 2013 Both developments have the potential to affect the ...

Adani clears latest hurdle in Carmichael Mine approval
Insight 12 Dec 2016

The Supreme Court of Queensland has upheld the decision of the Chief Executive of the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to issue an environmental authority for the Carmichael Mine In dismissing an application for judicial review by one of the mines objectors the Supreme ...

