101-110 of 287 results

Honest concurrent use: a rock-solid reminder of the importance of specific evidence
Insight 28 Aug 2020

A recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court has highlighted that evidence of honest concurrent use of a trade mark must relate to the specific goods or services covered by an application. It's a timely reminder about the need for care in selecting the scope of the goods and services covered by a mark. ...

Booking.com not so generic.com in the US?
Insight 28 Aug 2020

The US Supreme Court held that Booking.com is not a generic term and can be registered as a trade mark, presenting an opportunity for online businesses trading in the US under 'generic.com' domain names to seek trade mark registration. ...

Designs amendment on the horizon: is this the saving grace for Australian designs?
Insight 28 Aug 2020

The Designs Amendment (Advisory Council on Intellectual Property Response) Bill 2020 exposure draft has been released. The proposed changes will make it easier to coordinate design registrations across jurisdictions and, for now, current best practice filing strategies remain the same. ...

No grounds for opposition for coffee merchants
Insight 28 Aug 2020

Parties seeking to oppose (or defend an opposition to) a trade mark registration now have greater clarity over what constitutes use of a trade mark 'in the course of trade' thanks to a recent decision by the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. ...

Swiss claims and skinny labels: Full Federal Court considers infringement
Insight 28 Aug 2020

An enlarged bench of the Full Federal Court has considered the principles applying to infringement of Swiss-style claims, with the decision potentially limiting the application of Swiss-style claims in the context of so-called second medical use patents, where the allegedly infringing products are ʽskinny-labelled’. ...

Defamation in the digital age – beware of social media comments
Insight 25 Jun 2020

The NSW Court of Appeal has recently reaffirmed the ruling that administrators of public Facebook pages can be held liable as publishers of comments posted to their pages by members of the public. ...

Sachin hits Spartan for six
Insight 25 Jun 2020

The dispute between Sachin Tendulkar and Australian bat-maker Spartan Sports over a breach of a sponsorship agreement has ended with Spartan paying a hefty settlement sum, cancelling valuable trade marks and delivering a public apology. This case shows the risks of public disputes with high-profile celebrities. ...

Upcoming review of Australia’s patents system
Insight 25 Jun 2020

The Australian Government has launched a review of the accessibility of patents for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which follows the phasing-out of the innovation patent system in Australia. ...

Decision on Love is (up) in the Air
Insight 25 Jun 2020

Music duo Glass Candy and airline Air France were found to have infringed the copyright in the iconic 'Love is in the Air' with the songs 'Warm in the Winter' and 'France is in the Air'. With a number of issues unresolved, this remains a case to watch. ...

The PROOF is in the pudding? Using WIPO's new digital evidence tool to strengthen your IP rights
Insight 25 Jun 2020

WIPO PROOF - WIPO's new service can be used to prove the existence and contents of a digital file at a given time. ...

