111-120 of 134 results

FSB Task Force reports on climate-related disclosures
Insight 16 Dec 2016

New recommendations have been released that aim to provide guidance to companies regarding the making of climate-related disclosures in public fundraising documents Allens Climate Change group members Partner Andrew Mansour Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Lawyer Dale Straughen provide an overview ...

Climate change policy news: more guidance for Australian businesses
Insight 06 Dec 2016

Over the past fortnight both the Federal and Victorian Governments have made progress in climate change policy and regulation with the Federal Government announcing its terms of reference for the 2017 climate change policy review and the Victorian Government tabling its new Climate Change Bill 2016 ...

Paris Agreement on climate change to enter into force before COP22
Insight 06 Oct 2016

Overnight the Paris Agreement met its second and final threshold for entry into force when the EU lodged its instruments of ratification with the UN Partner Andrew Mansour Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Associate Ellie Mulholland take a brief look at the events this week that triggered the early ...

New Draft Wind Energy Planning Framework
Insight 08 Aug 2016

The New South Wales Government has released its new Wind Energy Planning Framework with the aim of establishing a more efficient and consistent assessment and approval regime for wind energy projects and also addressing the concerns raised by stakeholders to the 2011 draft Guidelines The buffer zone ...

New wind farm planning code and guideline for Queensland
Insight 19 Jul 2016

The Queensland Government has announced a new wind farm planning code that shifts the responsibility for assessing wind farm developments from local governments to the State Government and provides a consistent approach to assessing wind farms across the State Partner Bill McCredie Associate David ...

The signing of the Paris Agreement and other developments
Insight 22 Apr 2016

With the Australian Government Minister for the Environment having touched down in New York the world is gearing up for the signing of the Paris Agreement at a ceremony in New York at 1150pm AEST tonight Partner Andrew Mansour Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Lawyer Ellie Mulholland consider the ...

Across Australia and to Paris - Recent developments in the nuclear fuel cycle
Insight 23 Dec 2015

Partner Richard Malcolmson Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Associate Emily Johnstone report on recent developments in the Australian nuclear fuel cycle debate including the recent shortlisting of potential sites by the Australian Government for a radioactive waste management facility the ...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement
Insight 14 Dec 2015

Over the weekend in Paris two weeks of negotiations culminated in the adoption by all parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of a conference decision and Paris Agreement to address climate change The combined Paris Outcome commits parties to limit global temperature ...

Environment Minister appoints Wind Farm Committee and Commissioner
Insight 19 Oct 2015

Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has appointed Andrew Dyer as Australias first National Wind Farm Commissioner and has announced the membership of the Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines The Commissioner and the Committee will report separately to the Australian Parliament on ...

'Safety net' or 'trampoline'? Emissions safeguard mechanism draft rules released
Insight 09 Sep 2015

The Federal Government has released its draft rules for the emissions safeguard mechanism which will impose financial penalties of up to 18 million on businesses that emit more than their allocated emissions baselines ...

