1211-1220 of 2868 results

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: April 2020
Insight 07 May 2020

In this update we summarise the progress of existing rule change requests across April 2020 and take a closer look at the ESB's discussion paper on the benefits and opportunities of moving to a two-sided wholesale market. ...

Navigating the way forward: steps to prepare your business for the COVID-19 rollback
Insight 06 May 2020

We have prepared a selection of recommendations to help businesses and their senior in-house advisors navigate the challenges arising from a rollback of COVID-19 restrictions and, equally, to identify potential opportunities presented by this rapidly changing legal landscape. ...

The COVIDSafe Bill – good progress, but there's more to do
Insight 06 May 2020

The COVIDSafe app has been marketed as offering privacy 'protected by law'. On Sunday, the Federal Government released an exposure draft of legislation designed to put those protections in place, and to dispel lingering doubts about the app. ...

Toksave - PNG regulatory update: emergency Parliament sitting; K5.6 billion stimulus package passed; two-month extension of state of emergency; and other developments
Insight 06 May 2020

PNG Parliament convened urgent session and passed K5.6 billion stimulus package; 14-day state of emergency extended by another two months, to June 2020; new emergency laws enacted; Bank of PNG announced new monetary and fiscal measures; IRC granted tax exemptions; IPA waived certain company statutory obligations; superannuation funds announced proposed amendments to superannuation law; PNG Government refused extension of Barrick special mining lease; and proposed plan for freight subsidies for air and sea transport. ...

New guidance on planning agreements
Insight 04 May 2020

On 15 April 2020 the NSW Government announced two significant developments – a review by the Productivity Commissioner and some more immediate 'system improvements' to be instituted by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. ...

In Touch: further ACCC authorisations for businesses cooperation during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim Home Loans Price Inquiry report and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies
Insight 30 Apr 2020

Further ACCC authorisations letting businesses work together during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim report in Home Loans Price Inquiry and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies forthcoming. ...

No relief from pain for Maxigesic claims
Insight 30 Apr 2020

AFT Pharmaceuticals (AU) Pty Limited v Reckitt Benckiser (Australia) Pty Limited [2020] FCAFC 45 serves as an important reminder of the risks of comparative advertising and the need for adequate scientific foundations to support representations claiming to be based in science. ...

Federal Court closes the tap on Urban Ale trade mark
Insight 30 Apr 2020

In an attempt to sue La Sirène for trade mark infringement, Urban Alley Brewery lost the registration rights to its 'Urban Ale' trade mark, for lack of distinctiveness. We explore how attempting to enforce its trade mark registration rights backfired for Urban Alley. ...

IP reform update – demise of innovation patents, and government powers in a crisis
Insight 30 Apr 2020

The latest package of Australian IP law reform became law on 26 February 2020, when the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 2 and Other Measures) Act 2020 – part of the Federal Government's response to the Productivity Commission's 2016 report on IP arrangemen ...

Rocking the boat – Rockefeller sues co-creators of Broadway puppet show
Insight 30 Apr 2020

In the recent Federal Court decision of JWR Productions Australia Pty Ltd v Duncan-Watt (No 2) [2020] FCA 236, Justice Thawley dismissed the claims by producer Jonathan Rockefeller that two co-producers of his off-Broadway puppet show parody Thank You For Being a Friend had, among other things, enga ...

