121-130 of 636 results

AIFMD: update on the state of play for Australian fund managers post-Brexit
Insight 27 Jul 2021

The landscape for wholesale investment funds in the UK has shifted in the wake of Brexit. We give a round-up of the latest developments, and explain what Australian fund managers who are marketing their products to EU or UK investors need to know. ...

Global remedies for global transactions – what makes the ACCC take a different approach?
Insight 26 Jul 2021

As global M&A activity surges, we address the challenges your global deal could face, focusing on the likelihood that the ACCC accepts additional and/or separate remedies to those provided to merger control agencies in other jurisdictions. ...

Changes to FIRB Guidance Notes
Insight 26 Jul 2021

The Australian Government has finalised and released legislation to make major changes to Australia's foreign investment laws – commonly known as the 'FIRB regime' – with effect from 1 January 2021. This Insight summarises the key changes to the FIRB regime. ...

The draft FAR bill has finally landed
Insight 20 Jul 2021

In this Insight we provide a brief snapshot of the new regime as well as provide timing, guidance and key considerations you need to start thinking about now. ...

Potential licensing relief for Foreign Financial Service Providers
Insight 15 Jul 2021

Following on from the 2021-22 Federal Budget announcement in May relating to additional licensing relief for Foreign Financial Service Providers (FFSPs), on Friday 9 July 2021, Treasury released a Consultation Paper titled 'Relief to Foreign Financial Service providers', which canvasses a range of potential options. This marks the next step in the long and winding FFSPs licensing relief saga. ...

Transferring jurisdiction over schemes from the courts to the Takeovers Panel
Insight 17 Jun 2021

In the federal budget, the Treasurer announced funding for a public consultation process to consider broadening the jurisdiction of the Takeovers Panel to include members' schemes of arrangement. The idea of transferring jurisdiction over schemes from the courts to the Panel is not a new one. ...

A tale of two courts: are wind farm assets fixtures or chattels?
Insight 09 Jun 2021

Wind farms and other renewable energy sponsors should be aware of two recent decisions of the Supreme Courts of Victoria and New South Wales, which have raised doubt over whether wind farm assets are chattels or fixtures. We briefly explore the key findings of each court and consider some broader repercussions of these decisions for the renewable energy industry. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: ASIC leadership changes and other updates
Insight 26 May 2021

ASIC leadership changes; ASX advises constitution amendments for CHESS replacement, and launches consultation on oil and gas reporting amendments; ACCC teams up with UK and German competition regulators on merger control; Federal Court upholds record diesel emissions penalty ...

Surprising 2021-22 Budget backflip leaves the new Foreign Financial Services Provider regime in limbo
Insight 12 May 2021

The Government's Budget announcement has come as a surprise for Foreign Financial Services Providers (FFSPs) in 2021-22 Federal Budget. ...

Key developments for APRA-regulated entities in managing climate risks
Insight 11 May 2021

Recently released guidance from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and two new barrister opinions re-emphasise the need for banks, superannuation trustees, insurers, and other organisations, to respond to, and appropriately manage, financial risks associated with climate change. ...

