121-130 of 158 results

ASIC Register of Financial Advisers: will it raise quality of advice and standards?
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Federal Government has announced that ASIC will establish a public register of financial advisers, intended to benefit consumers, who will be able to check that their adviser is appropriately authorised and qualified before receiving personal advice. ...

ASIC releases paper on collective action by institutional investors
Insight 26 Feb 2015

ASIC has released its consultation paper on collective shareholder actions which calls for feedback on a draft update to Regulatory Guide 128 The consultation paper illustrates ASICs current albeit preliminary views on the tension between fostering increased investor engagement on the one hand and ...

ASIC's enforcement powers may receive a boost
Insight 05 Feb 2015

In preparing its Final Report the FSI has clearly paid close attention to the report of the Senate Economics References Committees Report into ASICs performance and its recommendations designed to strengthen ASIC through a combination of better funding an enhanced regulatory toolkit and higher ...

The best interests duties - process or outcome?
Insight 05 Feb 2015

Superannuation fund trustees and their lawyers including this one have been grappling for years with what the covenant in section 522c of the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 means What must a trustee do to exercise its powers and discharge its duties in the best interests of ...

Managing shareholder activism - who is in the driver's seat?
Insight 03 Feb 2015

The recent New South Wales Supreme Court decision of Molopo Energy Limited v Keybridge Capital Limited reflects the continuing growth of shareholder activism in the Australian corporate landscape The case is a reminder that boards need to remain aware of developing activist strategies particularly ...

Senate may disallow FoFA regulations
Insight 19 Nov 2014

Senators Jacqui Lambie and Ricky Muir this morning joined a group of cross-bench Senators in announcing that they would vote with Labor and the Greens to disallow the Governments FoFA regulations made in June this year - the Corporations Amendment Streamlining Future of Financial Advice Regulation ...

Privacy Commissioner reports on Department of Immigration and Border Protection's data breach
Insight 13 Nov 2014

The Australian Privacy Commissioner has released a report into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection having breached the privacy of asylum seekers in February 2014 Partner Michael Pattison and Associate Priyanka Nair report on the Commissioners findings and the lessons for all ...

High Court examines powers of responsible entities
Insight 07 Nov 2014

The High Court has reaffirmed the powers of a responsible entity are ultimately derived from the scheme's constitution, but the exercise of those powers is constrained by the statutory and fiduciary duties imposed on the responsible entity. ...

Should APRA's prudential standard-making powers extend to directors' duties?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

In recent times APRA has been active in prescribing duties for directors of the institutions it regulates In light of what has happened it is worth asking should the question of directors duties be excluded from APRAs prudential standard-making powers ...

Risk management - what, if anything, does the 'three lines of defence' model do?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

From 1 January 2015 a new common risk management prudential standard will apply to banks general insurers and life companies and in many cases to other companies in the corporate groups in which those institutions sit Michael Mathieson looks at the three lines of defence model that APRA proposes to ...

