121-130 of 189 results

Polluter pays principle in action
Insight 23 Feb 2016

In a recent decision of the Victorian Supreme Court a Melbourne municipal council was held liable to compensate a landowner for the costs that were incurred by the landowner in the course of complying with a clean-up notice issued under the Environment Protection Act 1970 Vic despite the pollution ...

New guidelines for unsolicited proposals for State-owned land in WA
Insight 28 Jan 2016

The WA Government has issued its formal guidelines for unsolicited proposals for the sale or lease of State-owned land By embracing the possibility of unsolicited proposals as opposed to encumbering every development opportunity with a procurement process and by expressing a willingness to engage ...

World Bank compares public procurement globally
Insight 12 Jan 2016

The World Bank has released its Benchmarking Public Procurement 2016 report which provides comparable data on regulatory environments that affect the ability of private companies to do business with governments in 77 countries Partner Leighton OBrien who contributed to the reports analysis of ...

Major overhaul of Australia's foreign investment laws: what's new?
Insight 04 Dec 2015

The new package of legislation overhauling Australias foreign investment laws the first major revision in 40 years commenced on 1 December 2015 While many features of the previous regime have been retained and sometimes re-named there are also a number of significant changes Partners Jeremy Low ...

UK Supreme Court counters High Court on penalties
Insight 19 Nov 2015

The highest appellate court in the UK has affirmed and restated the penalty rule as it applies in the UK in a recent decision that directly addresses and counters the High Court of Australias approach to the rule in Andrews Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer Patrick Easton report ...

Plan Melbourne: refresh of Victoria's metropolitan planning strategy
Insight 16 Nov 2015

Housing affordability climate change and energy efficiency are key focuses of the discussion paper recently released by the Victorian Planning Minster which aims to refresh the current Melbourne Metropolitan Planning strategy Plan Melbourne The paper draws upon the detailed report prepared by the ...

Changes to NSW strata title law - greater obligations and opportunities
Insight 10 Nov 2015

Two new pieces of legislation relating to strata title law have been passed by both Houses of the NSW Parliament Although the new legislation which is expected to commence on 1 July 2016 will impose obligations on developers to provide inspection reports and building bonds it will also open up ...

Painting the full picture: certifiers and financiers in projects
Insight 20 Oct 2015

A recent decision of the UK High Court provides valuable instructions to both financiers and consultants regarding their obligations in monitoring project developments Partners Nick Rudge view CV and David Donnelly view CV and Lawyer Patrick Easton report on the decision in Lloyds Bank plc v McBains ...

Significant amendments to retail shop leases legislation in Queensland
Insight 15 Oct 2015

Significant amendments to laws governing retail shop leases in Queensland will be made under new legislation just introduced into the Queensland Parliament Landlords should carefully review the Bill so they can be prepared for the new regime once it commences Partner John Beckinsale and Special ...

Mixed reactions to changes to new CBD height limits
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The Melbourne Planning Scheme has recently been amended to introduce mandatory built form controls to the central business district and Southbank area Managing Associate Meg Lee and Associate Kate Kirby report on the changes and on the reactions of key stakeholders ...

