121-130 of 287 results

From Notepads to iPads – copyright protection in a digital world
Insight 30 Apr 2020

With the global transition from analogue to digital, Australia's copyright laws continue to evolve in an attempt to keep up with the digitisation of content. The Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, recently addressed the Australian Digital Alliance about ...

Product safety priorities — the ACCC's focus for 2020
Insight 30 Mar 2020

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is planning to prioritise five key product safety issues fitting broadly within the categories of the Takata airbag recall, safety risks for infants and children, and e-commerce. We report on what is planned for 2020. ...

Sussex Royal – financial independence or cashing in on the crown?
Insight 28 Feb 2020

The Sussex Royal trademark saga is a reminder that a proactive IP protection strategy is 'royally' important when seeking to launch and protect well-known brands. ...

Employee's or employer's? Apple serves as a reminder of IP ownership in the startup sphere
Insight 28 Feb 2020

In a world of tech start-ups and innovation, securing IP rights has never been so important. The question of 'who owns what?' continues to present issues even to Apple Inc, as employees branch out to capitalise on creativity. Apple's recent claim against a former employee is a timely reminder of the ...

DABUS ignites debate on AI inventorship
Insight 26 Feb 2020

Patent offices in the UK and Europe, UKIPO and EPO have rejected Stephen Thaler's DABUS application naming artificial intelligence as inventors. Both patent offices found that DABUS, being a machine, could hold no rights and could not transfer any rights as the inventor to the applicant as successor ...

Franchisors beware: pecuniary penalties wash Geowash clean
Insight 26 Feb 2020

A recent Federal Court decision imposed significant pecuniary penalties on a franchisor as well as its sole director and national franchising manager for unfair dealings with franchisees ...

The house always wins – the latest on Crown Resorts v Zantran
Insight 26 Feb 2020

The Full Federal Court has overturned the trial decision in Crown Resorts Limited v Zantran Pty Limited [2020] FCAFC 1, and cast further light on the enforceability of employee confidentiality agreements in the context of civil litigation. ...

Federal Court decides second round of fencing (patent) duel
Insight 26 Feb 2020

This Insight examines the consequences of a patent dispute concerning a patent for a 'fence plinth'. This dispute highlights some of the key elements of any patent dispute such as how meaning of ordinary terms in the patent must be understood in the context of the whole patent specification. ...

Unlocking the potential in IP assets as collateral for finance
Insight 18 Dec 2019

Companies should seek to make the most of their intangible assets. One way to do this is to use intellectual property assets as collateral to access funding. IP-rich businesses, SMEs and start-ups should keep this potential avenue in mind. ...

Global trends in intellectual property
Insight 18 Dec 2019

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has recently published two reports identifying key hotspots for innovation, and key markets for patent, trade mark and design filing. ...

