131-140 of 254 results

Balancing compliance and enforcement with viability and recovery
Insight 14 Jul 2020

The latest guidance from the FWO reiterates the importance of proactively reviewing and improving workplace relations systems to ensure they are fit for purpose. ...

Responding to COVID-19: your questions answered
Insight 13 Jul 2020

In light of the global outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), many businesses are confronted with questions about the legal and regulatory implications. Here we address the most pressing questions being asked across the business landscape. ...

Recent amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)
Insight 09 Jul 2020

Recent amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) significantly increase the range of conduct that could constitute a Category 1 offence. Companies should ensure their systems and processes are suitably reviewed in light of these amendments. ...

Court gives green light to FWO to pursue insolvent employer
Insight 09 Jul 2020

The Federal Court's decision signals a willingness of courts to permit the FWO to continue pursuing employers for wage underpayments, where such pursuit is in the public interest, and despite the insolvency of the employer. ...

Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Flexibility Measures)
Insight 09 Jul 2020

The Federal Government has amended the paid parental leave scheme, which will enable greater flexibility for eligible working parents in how they take their paid parental leave. ...

New criminal penalties for wage theft in Victoria
Insight 09 Jul 2020

Employers, directors and officers may be criminally liable for underpayments of wages and other employee benefits, as well as for failures to keep records of employee entitlements. ...

Legislating the right to work – an overview of ACT's Human Rights (Workers Rights) Amendment Act 2020
Insight 09 Jul 2020

The new right to work protections mean that ACT legislatures, government agencies and the Legislative Assembly will need to consider these additional HRA rights when developing and implementing legislation and policy. ...

Federal Court opts to rule on Qantas stand down case
Insight 09 Jul 2020

The Federal Court has decided to adjudicate a dispute between Qantas and its aircraft engineers about the legality of Qantas' and Jetstar's decision to stand down employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Unilaterally reducing an employee's hours may create a redundancy pay liability
Insight 09 Jul 2020

If you propose to significantly reduce an employee's hours of work, you should carefully take this decision into account. If the same circumstances exist, the employee may be entitled to a redundancy payment, even though the employee remains employed by the same employer. ...

1 July 2020: new financial year, new increases to minimum wages
Insight 09 Jul 2020

Employees need to be mindful of increases to minimum rates of pay, as well as the impact of increases to the high income threshold and the maximum super contribution base. ...

