131-140 of 554 results

Captive to no one: Australian Government releases its Ransomware Action Plan
Insight 18 Oct 2021

The Department for Home Affairs has released the Australian Government's Ransomware Action Plan (the Plan). This development forms part of the Government's Cyber Strategy and is the latest in a series of actions taken by the Government to combat the escalating threat of ransomware and extortion. ...

Further security of critical infrastructure developments announced
Insight 08 Oct 2021

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (Joint Committee) has recommended that businesses responsible for Australia's critical infrastructure be subjected to expanded governance assistance measures as a matter of urgency. If adopted, the recommendations would see the proposed Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Draft Bill) separated into two bills. ...

In Touch: the ACCC's vision for the future of Australia's merger regime; and other developments
Insight 06 Oct 2021

The ACCC's overhaul of Australia's merger review regime; no cartel charges against the CFMMEU; payment system merger between BPAY, eftpos and NPPA; review of app marketplaces; no coordination for Qantas and Japan Airlines; Nero's resale price maintenance. ...

In Touch: ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; and other developments
Insight 29 Sep 2021

ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; Decathlon fined; ACCC commences proceedings against Mercedes-Benz re Takata airbags; Phoenix Institute ruled to have acted unconscionably; Country Press Australia given the green light to collectively bargain with Google and Facebook; ACCC commences proceedings against Telstra, Optus and TPG re NBN speeds ...

High Court defamation decision means businesses could be responsible for comments posted on their social media pages
Insight 15 Sep 2021

In proceedings relating to alleged defamation of Dylan Voller, the High Court has confirmed that the administrators of public social media pages are 'publishers' of comments posted by third parties and members of the public on their page, for the purposes of defamation law. ...

Food and beverage law bulletin
Insight 14 Sep 2021

Sugar and alcohol labels under the microscope, including new requirements for alcoholic beverages to display pregnancy labels; minimising regulatory risk regarding misleading conduct on the sale and promotion of food products; COVID-19 and food; and class actions in the sector. ...

Moored in the Marina: the Federal Circuit Court refuses to imply a licence restriction for the use of sailing footage
Insight 01 Sep 2021

The Federal Circuit Court provides a fresh reminder of the need for businesses in the creative industry to agree and clearly document positions on intellectual property (IP). ...

Important developments for offshore diagnostic testing
Insight 01 Sep 2021

In Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc & Ors v Sequenom, Inc [2021] FCAFC 101, the Full Federal Court delivered significant clarity for companies who provide or conduct diagnostic tests. ...

Copyright in software – the latest word from the Federal Court
Insight 01 Sep 2021

The Federal Court has handed down its judgment in Campaigntrack Pty Ltd v Real Estate Tool Box Pty Ltd [2021] FCA 809 in a decision with important implications for copyright enforcement in software under Australian law. ...

New consoles, new games, old copyright
Insight 01 Sep 2021

The release of new video game consoles (including the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and the improved Nintendo Switch) will likely increase user-generated content – in both in-game creations and the volume of gameplay that is streamed within the wider gaming community alike. ...

