131-140 of 168 results

Competition news
Insight 19 Jul 2017

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Report: 2017 Private Equity mid-year briefing
Insight 18 Jul 2017

The first half of 2017 has been one of the most active buy out periods for private equity in Australia since the financial crisis With fundraising conditions remaining positive plenty of committed capital needing to be invested and the announcement of a number of large and high profile transactions ...

Investing in consumer lending in Vietnam
Insight 18 Jul 2017

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors As well as raising capital from equity investors both Vietnamese and foreign-invested enterprises continue to require foreign debt capital in the form of loans from overseas banks to establish and grow their businesses here ...

Australia's foreign investment regime - regulatory burden reduced
Insight 03 Jul 2017

Significant changes to Australias foreign investment regime came into effect on 1 July 2017 intended to address concerns regarding this regime raised since its introduction in December 2015 The amendments reduce the regulatory burden in a number of key ways and will impact a range of foreign ...

Ten key M&A legal issues for foreign investors in Vietnam
Insight 29 Jun 2017

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors both in terms of the number and the value of transactions, This Insight considers future implications of the growth in the M&A market. ...

Competition news
Insight 26 Jun 2017

In Touch looks at whats been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Australia's foreign investment regime - Budget changes
Insight 23 May 2017

The Australian Government flagged a number of changes to Australias foreign investment regime in the 2017 Budget In a welcome development the changes seek to simplify an otherwise complex regime and encourage foreign investment in Australia Partner Wendy Rae and Associate Nick Kefalianos examine the ...

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 03 Apr 2017

With the current exit cycle coming to an end for many sponsors and large amounts of dry powder waiting to be deployed were expecting an uptick in new investment activity in Australia by private equity sponsors There are some key trends and sectors to look out for in 2017 The Private Equity team at ...

Treasury consultation paper flags changes to stapled structures
Insight 28 Mar 2017

Stapled structures have been used as an investment platform in the property and infrastructure sectors for decades and more recently have been deployed into renewable energy agriculture and other areas Through the issue of its Taxpayer Alert on stapled structures on 31 January 2017 the ATO indicated ...

