131-140 of 206 results

Productivity Commission kicks off inquiry into superannuation
Insight 17 Mar 2016

The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper inviting submissions on the criteria that should be used to assess the efficiency and competitiveness of Australias superannuation system This will be of interest not only to superannuation trustees but also to service providers including fund ...

Defining the objective of superannuation
Insight 09 Mar 2016

The Government released a discussion paper on the Objective of Superannuation today The paper says that the Government will enshrine in legislation the primary objective recommended by the Financial System Inquiry being To provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the Age Pension ...

Dodd Frank - promoting financial stability and other purposes
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The Dodd Frank Act is a bit like the US financial system it is trying to regulate - vast complex and hard to wade through It creates a bunch of new regulators on top of what was already a pretty solid cast and gives them wide-ranging powers They can not only set capital and liquidity requirements ...

Transparency and Accountability - and not just for Wall Street
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The regulatory law repercussions of the GFC remain endlessly fascinating As an example take the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 It runs to 848 pages Title VII addresses perhaps optimistically Wall Street Transparency and Accountability My favourite provision is section ...

Would you like best interests with that? Conflicted remuneration, American style
Insight 07 Mar 2016

Last month we were fortunate enough to host Barney Frank co-architect of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 to discuss financial regulation reform Coincidentally a couple of weeks later we were treated to a presentation on US financial regulation reforms by a US ...

Raising professional standards of financial advisers
Insight 05 Feb 2016

Following on from the reviews conducted by the Parliamentary Joint Committee and the Financial System Inquiry the Government delivered on its promises by releasing an exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Professional Standards of Financial Advisers Bill 2015 the Bill late last year for ...

Conflicted remuneration, dreaming and the law of common sense
Insight 05 Feb 2016

How many times have you heard someone say FoFA is settled Next time you hear that you should reach for one of the many quotable quotes from The Castle and tell em theyre dreamin First there are the so-called Retail life insurance industry reforms Then get ready for remuneration reforms in the ...

New measures on resilience, collateral protection and client money
Insight 22 Dec 2015

The Government yesterday released for consultation draft legislation containing resilience and collateral protection measures Think payment systems netting and derivatives But also think superannuation trustees and life companies investing in centrally-cleared OTC derivatives - and restrictions on ...

Superannuation product dashboard and portfolio holdings disclosure draft legislation released
Insight 11 Dec 2015

The Federal Government has released an exposure draft of new superannuation legislation and associated regulations which refine the current rules on portfolio holdings disclosure and product dashboards for superannuation funds The changes in the portfolio holdings disclosure area particularly ...

Government launches innovation agenda - now wait for the ideas boom
Insight 08 Dec 2015

You might be getting tired of all of the talk about innovation and keen to see some of it actually happen The Governments recent announcements could help but there is a long way to go before the mining boom becomes the ideas boom ...

