141-150 of 158 results

Directors' duties and the interests of 'APRA beneficiaries'
Insight 02 Sep 2014

The interim report of the Financial System Inquiry FSI asks whether directors in different parts of the financial system should have different duties ...

Shareholder activism in Australia
Insight 24 Jul 2014

The past few years have seen a dramatic rise in shareholder activism across Europe and the US This trend is now becoming increasingly common in Australia Following an unsuccessful attempt to gain control of the board of ASX-listed Antares Energy Limited by a US-based hedge fund Partner Tim Lester ...

The limits of lawyer-driven litigation
Insight 24 Jul 2014

A recent VSC decision has examined the limits on entrepreneurship by securities class action lawyers ...

Increasing ASIC's enforcement powers
Insight 08 Jul 2014

In its submission to the Financial System Inquiry the Australian Securities and Investment Commission has again raised the issue of the penalties that are available to it to punish and deter corporate wrongdoing ASICs submission recommends that a holistic review be conducted into the availability ...

CAMAC is dead. Long live the FSI
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The recent Federal budget included measures to abolish some government bodies by 1 July 2015 One of those is the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee CAMAC This is a pity for those involved in the funds management industry because it means that CAMAC is no longer accepting submissions in ...

What does 1 July 2014 mean under FoFA?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

For most people working in the financial services industry it would be unwise to let 1 July come and go without asking what will change In 2014 as in 2012 and 2013 1 July is a very significant date under FoFA the Future of Financial Advice ...

ASIC on confidential information and briefings
Insight 03 Jun 2014

ASIC recently issued a report on the handling of confidential information by listed entities and their advisers focusing on analyst and investor briefings and unannounced corporate transactions While the report does not identify any systemic issues it does highlight a number of areas of concern ...

Material adverse change
Insight 15 May 2014

In a recent decision the New South Wales Supreme Court held that a sufficiently significant failure to meet budget expectations could constitute a material adverse change and upheld the lenders right to serve a default notice and accelerate repayment on this basis Partner Diccon Loxton and Lawyer ...

Green Bonds have come to town
Insight 29 Apr 2014

Green Bonds have been part of the international capital markets landscape for some time and recently the World Bank announced the first A Green Bonds to be issued into the Australian debt capital market If developments in the European Green Bond market are a good indicator there is potential for ...

Draft legislation released to improve corporate law compliance burden
Insight 17 Apr 2014

An exposure draft of proposed legislative amendments designed to reduce the compliance burden for businesses has been released by the Federal Government The amendments include long-awaited changes to the dividend payment rules the abolition of the 100 member rule and updates to remuneration ...

