141-150 of 254 results

When the wrong version of an EA is approved by the FWC
Insight 09 Jul 2020

There is no simple fix where an employer submits, and the FWC approves, the wrong version of an enterprise agreement. The employer will need to appeal the decision approving the enterprise agreement, submit the agreement to another vote and apply again to have the agreement approved. ...

Workplace manslaughter: Victoria's new workplace crime
Insight 03 Jul 2020

Under Victoria's new offence of workplace manslaughter, if a corporation or officer (which can extend to senior managers) is negligent and that results in a fatality, there will be a risk of criminal prosecution. Individuals will risk a lengthy sentence of imprisonment. ...

Lime shines light on product safety representations and product recalls
Insight 25 Jun 2020

The ACCC's action against Lime demonstrates that businesses must carefully consider what actions may constitute a 'recall', particularly where electronic products are supplied. It also serves as a reminder that product safety issues can be regarded as a breach of the Australian Consumer Law and can give rise to pecuniary penalties. ...

Should access to personal leave be permitted during stand downs?
Insight 02 Jun 2020

On 18 May 2020, the Federal Court found that Qantas is not required to pay personal/carer's leave to employees stood down without pay during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Varying redundancy payments due to COVID-19 hardship
Insight 02 Jun 2020

For some employers, managing the impact of COVID-19 on their business may ultimately involve making redundancies, and some may struggle to meet their obligations to employees with respect to redundancy pay. This article considers this scenario in the context of two recent Fair Work Commission decisions. ...

Greater than the sum of its parts – an excerpt on exceptional circumstances
Insight 02 Jun 2020

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has confirmed that the convergence of a series of ordinary events can give rise to 'exceptional circumstances' within the meaning of section 366 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act). ...

JobKeeper fortnights – do two fortnights equal a month?
Insight 02 Jun 2020

The Fair Work Commission (the FWC ) has released an opinion on how to deal with monthly paid employees under the JobKeeper scheme. 1 ...

The road back to workplaces – 10 safe workplace principles for managing safety risks
Insight 02 Jun 2020

As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, businesses preparing to transition their workers back to their usual workplaces need to keep in mind the 10 'National COVID-19 Safe Workplace Principles' (Safe Workplace Principles), announced by the Morrison Government on 24 April 2020, in managing their work health and safety (WHS) risks in light of the serious health risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Easing of COVID-19 restrictions prompts return to work planning
Insight 02 Jun 2020

States and territories have recently eased the restrictions on business closures and public gatherings, prompting a wave of return to work planning. However, businesses need to be aware of a variet ...

Coverage of the Miscellaneous Award widened to cover some award-free employees
Insight 02 Jun 2020

From 1 July 2020, the Miscellaneous Award will cover a wide range of low-skilled and trade-qualified employees who were previously award-free. ...

