151-160 of 636 results

A key landmark in IBOR transition
Insight 23 Oct 2020

The long-awaited ISDA IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol will be going live today with the endorsement of ASIC, the RBA and APRA. They implement new benchmark fallbacks for both future and existing derivative contracts, facilitating the efficient transition from LIBOR and other IBORs in anticipation of their discontinuation. If you have a derivatives portfolio, the Protocol allows quick and easy adoption of the new fallbacks through a one-off adherence. That said, it may not be sufficient to cover all scenarios. ...

From MySuper to YourSuper
Insight 07 Oct 2020

The Government released a paper entitled 'Your Future, Your Super' setting out 'reforms to make your super work harder for you' in the 2020-21 budget.  This article summarises the measures and gives our take on them.  ...

Use of stub equity in control transactions
Insight 02 Oct 2020

ASIC has released its response to the submissions on its June 2019 Consultation Paper on certain aspects of the use of stub equity in control transactions, and the news is mostly positive. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: Second tranche of draft FIRB reforms; ASIC Corporate Plan for 2020-24; High Court clarifies personal/carer's leave entitlements; and other corporate law developments
Insight 25 Sep 2020

Second tranche of draft FIRB reforms released; ASIC releases Corporate Plan for 2020-24; ASIC grants relief for escrow and non-promotional communications for IPOs and updates RG5 and RG254; High Court sides with employers and clarifies personal/carer's leave entitlements; ACCC releases ninth interim gas inquiry report; extension of temporary COVID-19 continuous disclosure and insolvency relief measures; ALRC reports on Australia's corporate criminal responsibility regime. ...

Insolvency reforms to support small business
Insight 24 Sep 2020

The Commonwealth government announced a package of reforms directed at streamlining insolvency processes for small business. Our analysis on the issue from our insolvency and restructuring experts. ...

ASIC issues hardship withdrawal relief to responsible entities
Insight 15 Sep 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ASIC has provided relief reminiscent of the GFC to allow hardship withdrawals from frozen funds.  The COVID-19 version of hardship-relief goes further than its GFC predecessor in many respects. We provide an overview of the issue. ...

Investing via convertible debt instruments in Vietnam
Insight 03 Sep 2020

We look at the pros and cons of convertible debt instruments compared to traditional equity investment in Vietnam, the availability of these instruments to foreign investors and a comparison between convertible loan and convertible bond. ...

The road ahead – secondaries markets in 2H 2020 and considerations for superannuation and institutional LPs
Insight 21 Jul 2020

We look ahead to the green shoots in the secondaries market with expectations of increased deal activity in the second half of 2020 and discuss the thematics for superannuation and institutional LP participants over this period. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: FIRB introduces temporary streamlined exemption certificates; ASIC issues guidance on product intervention power; ACCC raises concerns about two digital mergers; and other corporate law developments
Insight 16 Jul 2020

Nucleus – corporate law developments: FIRB introduces temporary streamlined exemption certificates; ASIC issues guidance on product intervention power; ACCC raises concerns about two digital mergers; and other corporate law developments ...

EU Commission publishes AIFMD report – what does this mean for Australian wholesale fund managers?
Insight 10 Jul 2020

The European Commission has finally published its report on AIFMD and, in doing so, considered the impact of AIFMD on AIFMs, AIFs and investors. The report is short, but gives some insight into how the key features of AIFMD have worked and the effect this has had on the market. ...

