151-160 of 254 results

Officers of a parent company may be found officers despite not having an official position or title in the subsidiary
Insight 02 Jun 2020

On 11 March 2020, the High Court of Australia (HCA) handed-down its decision in ASIC v King [2020] HCA 4 (ASIC v King), which considered the extended meaning of 'officer' under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act). ...

JobKeeper insights from the FWC
Insight 02 Jun 2020

COVID-19 and the introduction of the JobKeeper scheme has had a critical impact on business. In a recent statement, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) shared valuable insights on the trends in disputes emerging in the early days of the scheme and how it will manage these cases moving forward. ...

A pathway to sensible, long-lasting reform – the Federal Government's 'JobMaker' agenda
Insight 02 Jun 2020

In a briefing to the National Press Club on 26 May 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlined the Federal Government's 'JobMaker' agenda as a key aspect of its plan for economic recovery from the ...

WFH during COVID-19 crisis leaves employers vulnerable to WHS liability
Insight 02 Jun 2020

With an unprecedented number of employees now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, employers must be increasingly alert to the work health and safety (WHS) implications arising out of these arrangements. ...

Permanent casual – like smart casual, a very ambiguous category indeed
Insight 02 Jun 2020

In its widely anticipated decision, the Full Federal Court (Full Court) has decided that a labour hire employee was a permanent employee, despite being engaged as a 'casual' by a labour hire firm, WorkPac, for almost four years. ...

COVID-19: Fair Work Act changes and JobKeeper scheme
Insight 09 Apr 2020

Businesses that are eligible for the JobKeeper scheme will have more flexibility under the Fair Work Act to make changes to manage the workplace impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as standing down employees or reducing their hours. ...

COVID-19: a work health and safety perspective
Insight 01 Apr 2020

The progression of COVID-19 continues at pace and businesses are facing an array of challenges and difficult decisions. While there are a number of issues for businesses to work through at this time, this article touches on the key work health and safety (WHS) duties employers need to be aware of. ...

Hospitality Industry Award varied to include COVID-19 flexibility schedule
Insight 01 Apr 2020

On 24 March 2020, the Fair Work Commission varied the Hospitality Industry (General) Award to introduce temporary changes in response to COVID-19, following government orders to shut down various parts of the hospitality industry. This Insight examines some of the key implications. ...

Fair Work Commission agrees to vary the Clerks Award in light of COVID-19
Insight 01 Apr 2020

On Saturday 28 March 2020, the Fair Work Commission introduced temporary changes to the Clerks – Private Sector Award in response to the impacts of COVID-19 on clerical and administrative employees. An employer can now agree (in writing, including by email) with an individual employee to reduce the employee's hours (including by more than 25%) or to move the employee temporarily from full-time to part-time hours of work, and reduce their pay proportionately. ...

FWC considers unfair dismissal procedural requirements
Insight 01 Apr 2020

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has ordered a case be reheard after it was found that adequate consideration was not given at first instance to whether a dismissed employee had been notified of, and given an opportunity to respond to, a valid reason for his dismissal. ...

