151-160 of 521 results

The case for market-led proposals as part of Australia’s COVID-19 recovery
Insight 13 May 2020

Infrastructure will play a vital role in Australia's economic recovery, presenting new opportunities for collaboration between industry and government to develop a pipeline of projects to stimulate the economy. ...

Full Federal Court dismisses ACCC appeal against Pacific National rail merger ruling
Insight 12 May 2020

The Full Federal Court has dismissed the ACCC's appeal against Aurizon's proposed sale of the Acacia Ridge rail terminal to Pacific National. The ACCC is using this outcome to advocate for merger law reforms. ...

In Touch: further ACCC authorisations for businesses cooperation during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim Home Loans Price Inquiry report and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies
Insight 30 Apr 2020

Further ACCC authorisations letting businesses work together during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim report in Home Loans Price Inquiry and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies forthcoming. ...

In Touch: industry cooperation and collaboration during a pandemic; ACCC merger reviews; and obligations regarding cancelled orders and events
Insight 24 Mar 2020

Industry collaboration in a time of coronavirus; ACCC grants urgent interim authorisations to banks and supermarkets to cooperate during pandemic; COVID-19's impact on the speed of ACCC merger reviews and the issues the ACCC will consider in distressed sales; your obligations regarding cancelled events and orders; promoting goods and services during the pandemic; and the ACCC's Scamwatch on high alert. ...

In Touch: ACCC's 2020 enforcement priorities; Vodafone/TPG merger to proceed; and ACCC to investigate digital advertising
Insight 09 Mar 2020

The ACCC releases its enforcement priorities for 2020; the Federal Court clears a merger between Vodafone Hutchison Australia and TPG Telecom; ACCC starts an inquiry into the supply of digital advertising technology and agency services; ACCC consults on divestment undertaking in CUB / Asahi deal; Weldclass' RPM notification raises ACCC concerns; and two proposed mergers in the paper industries receive the regulator's blessing. ...

Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful

Webinar: Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful ...

ACCC 2020 Enforcement Priorities
Insight 26 Feb 2020

A number of industries and issues are in the spotlight following release of the ACCC's 2020 Enforcement and Compliance Priorities by Chairman Rod Sims on 25 February. ...

Amendments to the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (SA)
Insight 06 Feb 2020

This Insight examines some of the key changes in compliance obligations for both landlords and tenants under the Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2019. ...

Proposed changes to NSW Independent Planning Commission – major reform or tweaking around the edges?
Insight 04 Feb 2020

Following a review by the NSW Productivity commission, the NSW Government has announced major reforms to the Independent Planning Commission. However, some are left wondering whether the proposed changes address concerns regarding inefficiency and inconsistency in IPC decision-making. ...

