151-160 of 206 results

ASIC clamps down on SMSF advice
Insight 25 Jul 2015

ASIC has outlined its expectations for financial advice where the client is advised to set up a self-managed superannuation fund ASIC has done so in two publications released yesterday - one deals with the risks associated with SMSFs information sheet 205 and the other with the costs information ...

How to avoid anti-money laundering compliance headaches - financial product issues
Insight 03 Jul 2015

Issues of securities interests in managed investment schemes and other types of financial products typically involve a number of designated services under Australias anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing AMLCTF regime However in the midst of preparing governing documents disclosure ...

APRA's assessment of life insurers: 'must try harder'
Insight 03 Jul 2015

As an institution APRA can be partial to bureaucratese As keen readers of APRAs writings we sometimes find ourselves asking ndash what is APRA really saying here And that is a question worth asking when reading APRAs recent letter to life companies setting out its concerns with group insurance ...

Bill to repeal equal representation rules for superannuation trustee boards
Insight 26 Jun 2015

Treasury today released what appears to be an extract from an Exposure Draft Bill that will remove the equal representation rules in the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 Cth and require at least a third of the directors of superannuation trustee boards to be independent If passed the ...

Tax musings
Insight 04 Jun 2015

You would need to have been living under a large rock with your hearing aid turned off not to be aware of the current debates raging in relation to tax But it is hard to sort the wood from the trees or the real facts and issues from all the surrounding noise ...

Full Federal Court rules against agreed civil penalties
Insight 04 Jun 2015

Ecstasy cocaine and industrial action at a construction site are unlikely subjects for an article on financial services regulation They are however the things that have led to what could be a significant change to the way in which financial services regulators like ASIC and APRA can resolve civil ...

Funding a Fund: The growth of the capital call facility
Insight 25 May 2015

The Australian corporate debt market is primed for growth, with an increase in the number of funds providing direct lending as an alternative source of financing to the traditional lending dominated by domestic banks. ...

Attribution MITs - why try to fix something that wasn't broken?
Insight 06 May 2015

The exposure draft Bill for the taxation of 'attribution managed investment trusts' has been received with much derision. We consider the key implications ...

Section 68A - undue attention to an inadequate remedy
Insight 01 Apr 2015

Its not often that a section of the SIS Act makes the daily news but section 68A of the SIS Act has done just that following the publication of a report commissioned by Industry Super Australia It is startling how much weight ASIC and APRA are apparently giving to the report as its findings are not ...

The Inverted Bid Model - five key questions in solving it
Insight 18 Mar 2015

Industry Super Australias proposed Inverted Bid Model has generated a lot of interest and discussion At a recent industry symposium participants were invited to explore the model with a view to further refining it for application in the Australian infrastructure market Partner David Donnelly poses ...

