151-160 of 659 results

Contract law update

Webinar: Contract Law update ...

Three things to consider with ESG investing
Insight 22 Feb 2022

Alongside record flows into sustainable funds and investments, growing attention on ESG presents opportunities and challenges for investors and fund managers alike. Watch our latest video on key steps to harnessing the opportunities and mitigating the risks that ESG investing brings. ...

The economic outlook for 2022 (and beyond): exploring the key opportunities and trends in M&A, funds, energy and sustainable finance

Webinar: The economic outlook for 2022 (and beyond): exploring the key opportunities and trends in M&A, funds, energy and sustainable finance ...

The era of responsibility – top ESG trends for 2022
Insight 15 Feb 2022

Environmental, Social and Governance issues continue to create a paradigm shift in the way businesses are run.2022 looks to be another big year in the space, with those slow to adapt getting left behind. We break down key ESG trends to watch for in 2022. ...

Global ESG themes shaping the Australian legal outlook
Insight 02 Feb 2022

2022 will provide a practical demonstration of the appetite for ESG-led change that governments, major corporates and financial institutions all have, and how far this will feed into smaller businesses and everyday life. We explore key ESG themes shaping the legal outlook for businesses in 2022. ...

Linklaters Insights: Anti-bribery and corruption law and enforcement across the globe
Insight 06 Dec 2021

An understanding of the global reach of anti-bribery and corruption regulation, as well as the application of it within a specific jurisdiction, is key to managing risk for today’s international businesses. ...

What does COP26 mean for Australian business?
Insight 02 Dec 2021

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently concluded its 26th Conference of Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP26) in Glasgow, which placed a major spotlight on climate issues. Together with the Glasgow Climate Pact, a suite of announcements signal important changes and opportunities. In this Insight we unpack some of the key outcomes from COP26 and what they mean for Australian businesses. ...

A tale of two OAIC investigations – privacy implications for the use of facial recognition technology
Insight 23 Nov 2021

Determinations issued by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) following two recent investigations against 7-Eleven and Clearview AI, reinforce a global trend of growing regulatory scrutiny of the use of facial recognition technology by private sector organisations, and follows Facebook's recent decision to shut down its facial recognition system. ...

High Court ruling that 'backpacker tax' is discriminatory invites consideration of other potentially disapplied discriminatory tax provisions
Insight 18 Nov 2021

In the recent decision of Addy v Commissioner of Taxation, the High Court ruled that the so-called 'backpacker tax' contravened the non-discrimination article contained in the double tax agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). ...

Emerging ESG disputes risks and key mitigation strategies
Insight 16 Nov 2021

Pressure is emerging from multiple angles – regulation, investors, employees and communities – to have a proactive approach to ESG issues. In this Insight, we highlight current trends in ESG disputes and outline the key strategies companies should be implementing right now to mitigate ESG disputes risk. ...

